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Part of Apollo Lunar Landing
Apollo vs N1-L3
Apollo vs N1-L3
Apollo CSM / LM vs L3 Lunar Complex
Credit: © Mark Wade
The successful US project to land a man on the moon.


Apollo Lunar Landing American manned lunar expedition. Begun in 1962; first landing on the moon 1969; sixth and final lunar landing 1972. The project that succeeded in putting a man on the moon.

Apollo LM American manned lunar lander.

Apollo CSM The Apollo Command Service Module was the spacecraft developed by NASA in the 1960's as a standard spacecraft for earth and lunar orbit missions. Manned spacecraft for earth orbit and lunar orbit satellite operated by NASA, USA. Launched 1967 - 1975.

Apollo CM American manned spacecraft module. 22 launches, 1964.05.28 (Saturn 6) to 1975.07.15 (Apollo (ASTP)).

Apollo SM American manned spacecraft module. 22 launches, 1964.05.28 (Saturn 6) to 1975.07.15 (Apollo (ASTP)).

Apollo LM DS American manned spacecraft module. 10 launches, 1968.01.22 (Apollo 5) to 1972.12.07 (Apollo 17).

Apollo LM AS American manned spacecraft module. 10 launches, 1968.01.22 (Apollo 5) to 1972.12.07 (Apollo 17).

Apollo A American manned space station. Study 1961. Apollo A was a lighter-weight July 1961 version of the Apollo spacecraft.

Apollo X American manned space station. Study 1963.

Apollo Martin 410 American manned lunar lander. Study 1961. The Model 410 was Martin's preferred design for the Apollo spacecraft.

Apollo Direct TLM American manned spacecraft module. Study 1961. Final letdown, translation hover and landing on the lunar surface from 1800 m above the surface was performed by the terminal landing module. Engine thrust could be throttled down to 1546 kgf.

Apollo Direct SM American manned spacecraft module. Study 1961. The Service Module housed the fuel cells, environmental control, and other major equipment items required for the mission.

Apollo Direct RM American manned spacecraft module. Study 1961. The retrograde module supplied the velocity increments required during the translunar portion of the mission up to a staging point approximately 1800 m above the lunar surface.

Apollo Direct CM American manned spacecraft module. Study 1961. Conventional spacecraft structures were employed, following the proven materials and concepts demonstrated in the Mercury and Gemini designs.

Apollo Direct 2-Man American manned lunar lander. Study 1961. A direct lunar lander design of 1961, capable of being launched to the moon in a single Saturn V launch through use of a 75% scale 2-man Apollo command module.

LM Langley Lighter American manned lunar lander. Study 1961. This early open-cab Langley design used cryogenic propellants. The cryogenic design was estimated to gross 3,284 kg - to be compared with the 15,000 kg / 2 man LM design that eventually was selected.

LM Langley Lightest American manned lunar lander. Study 1961. Extremely light-weight open-cab lunar module design considered in early Langley studies.

LM Langley Light American manned lunar lander. Study 1961. This early open-cab single-crew Langley lunar lander design used storable propellants, resulting in an all-up mass of 4,372 kg.

Apollo ULS American lunar logistics spacecraft. Study 1962. An Apollo unmanned logistic system to aid astronauts on a lunar landing mission was studied.

Apollo W-1 American manned spacecraft. Study 1962. Martin's W-1 design for the Apollo spacecraft was an alternative to the preferred L-2C configuration. The 2652 kg command module was a blunt cone lifting body re-entry vehicle, 3.45 m in diameter, 3.61 m long.

Apollo M-1 American manned spacecraft. Study 1962. Convair/Astronautics preferred M-1 Apollo design was a three-module lunar-orbiting spacecraft.

Apollo D-2 American manned lunar orbiter. Study 1962. The General Electric design for Apollo put all systems and space not necessary for re-entry and recovery into a separate jettisonable 'mission module', joined to the re-entry vehicle by a hatch.

Apollo R-3 American manned spacecraft. Study 1962. General Electric's Apollo horizontal-landing alternative to the ballistic D-2 capsule was the R-3 lifting body. This modified lenticular shape provided a lift-to-drag ratio of just 0.

Apollo L-2C American manned spacecraft. Study 1962. Martin's L-2C design was the basis for the Apollo spacecraft that ultimately emerged. The 2590 kg command module was a flat-bottomed cone, 3. 91 m in diameter, 2.67 m high, with a rounded apex.

Apollo Lenticular American manned spacecraft. Study 1962. The Convair/Astronautics alternate Lenticular Apollo was a flying saucer configuration with the highest hypersonic lift to drag ratio (4.4) of any proposed design.

Apollo LLRV American manned lunar lander test vehicle. Bell Aerosystems initially built two manned lunar landing research vehicles (LLRV) for NASA to assess the handling characteristics of Apollo LM-type vehicles on earth.

Apollo LLRF American Lunar Landing Research Facility. The huge structure (76.2 m high and 121.9 m long) was used to explore techniques and to forecast various problems of landing on the moon.

Apollo LES American test vehicle. Flight tests from a surface pad of the Apollo Launch Escape System using a boilerplate capsule.

Apollo LM Shelter American manned lunar habitat. Cancelled 1968. The LM Shelter was essentially an Apollo LM lunar module with ascent stage engine and fuel tanks removed and replaced with consumables and scientific equipment for 14 days extended lunar exploration.

Apollo LM Taxi American manned lunar lander. Cancelled 1968. The LM Taxi was essentially the basic Apollo LM modified for extended lunar surface stays.

Apollo CSM Boilerplate American manned spacecraft. Boilerplate structural Apollo CSM's were used for various systems and booster tests, especially proving of the LES (launch escape system).

Apollo CSM Block I American manned spacecraft. The Apollo Command Service Module was the spacecraft developed by NASA in the 1960's as a standard spacecraft for earth and lunar orbit missions.

FIRE American re-entry vehicle technology satellite. 2 launches, 1964.04.14 (FIRE 1) and 1965.05.22 (FIRE 2). Suborbital re-entry test program that used a subscale model of the Apollo Command Module to verify the configuration at high reentry speed. Reentry Technology satellite built by Republic Aviation Corporation for NASA.

Apollo LM Truck American lunar logistics spacecraft. Cancelled 1968. The LM Truck was an LM Descent stage adapted for unmanned delivery of payloads of up to 5,000 kg to the lunar surface in support of a lunar base using Apollo technology.

Apollo MSS American manned lunar orbiter. Study 1965. The Apollo Mapping and Survey System was a kit of photographic equipment that was at one time part of the basic Apollo Block II configuration.

Apollo LM Lab American manned space station. Study 1965. Use of the Apollo LM as an earth-orbiting laboratory was proposed for Apollo Applications Program missions.

Apollo SA-11 From September 1962 NASA planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. Cancelled in October 1963 in order to fly all-up manned Apollo CSM on more powerful Saturn IB.

Apollo Experiments Pallet American manned lunar orbiter. Study 1965. The Apollo Experiments Pallet was a sophisticated instrument payload that would have been installed in the Apollo CSM for dedicated lunar or earth orbital resource assessment missions.

Apollo LM CSD American manned combat spacecraft. Study 1965. The Apollo Lunar Module was considered for military use in the Covert Space Denial role in 1964.

Apollo SA-12 From September 1962 NASA planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. Cancelled in October 1963 in order to fly all-up manned Apollo CSM on more powerful Saturn IB.

Apollo LMSS American manned space station. Cancelled 1967. Under the Apollo Applications Program NASA began hardware and software procurement, development, and testing for a Lunar Mapping and Survey System. The system would be mounted in an Apollo CSM.

Apollo SA-13 From September 1962 NASA planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. Cancelled in October 1963 in order to fly all-up manned Apollo CSM on more powerful Saturn IB.

Apollo SA-14 From September 1962 NASA planned to fly four early manned Apollo spacecraft on Saturn I boosters. Cancelled in October 1963 in order to fly all-up manned Apollo CSM on more powerful Saturn IB.

Apollo LASS S-IVB American lunar logistics spacecraft. Study 1966. The Douglas Company (DAC) proposed the "Lunar Application of a Spent S-IVB Stage (LASS)". The LASS concept required a landing gear on a S-IVB Stage.

Apollo SMLL American lunar logistics spacecraft. Study 1966. North American Aviation (NAA) proposed use of the SM as a lunar logistics vehicle (LLV) in 1966. The configuration, simply stated, put a landing gear on the SM.

Apollo CMLS American manned lunar habitat. Study 1966.

Apollo 204 The planned first manned flight of the Apollo CSM, the Apollo C category mission. The crew was killed in a fire while testing their capsule on the pad on 27 January 1967, still weeks away from launch. Set back Apollo program by 18 months.

Apollo 205 Planned second solo flight test of the Block I Apollo CSM on a Saturn IB. Cancelled after the Apollo 204 fire.

Apollo 207 Planned Apollo D mission. Two Saturn IB launches would put Apollo CSM and LM into orbit. CSM crew would dock with LM, test it in earth orbit. Cancelled after Apollo 204 fire.

Apollo LTA American technology satellite. 3 launches, 1967.11.09 (LTA-10R) to 1968.12.21 (LTA-B). Apollo Lunar module Test Articles were simple mass/structural models of the Lunar Module.

Apollo 503 Cancelled Apollo E mission - test of the Apollo lunar module in high earth orbit. Lunar module was not ready. Instead mission flown only with CSM into lunar orbit as Apollo 8.

Apollo RM American logistics spacecraft. Study 1967. In 1967 it was planned that Saturn IB-launched Orbital Workshops would be supplied by Apollo CSM spacecraft and Resupply Modules (RM) with up to three metric tons of supplies and instruments.

Apollo 7 First manned test of the Apollo spacecraft. Although the systems worked well, the crew became grumpy with head colds and talked back to the ground. As a result, NASA management determined that none of them would fly again.

Apollo 8 First manned flight to lunar orbit. Speed (10,807 m/s) and altitude (378,504 km) records. Mission resulted from audacious decision to send crew around moon to beat Soviets on only second manned Apollo CSM mission and third Saturn V launch.

Apollo 120 in Telescope American manned space station. Study 1968. Concept for use of a Saturn V-launched Apollo CSM with an enormous 10 m diameter space laboratory equipped with a 3 m diameter astronomical telescope.

Apollo LMAL American manned space station. Study 1968.

Apollo LPM American lunar logistics spacecraft. Study 1968. The unmanned portion of the Lunar Surface Rendezvous and Exploration Phase of Apollo envisioned in 1969 was the Lunar Payload Module (LPM).

Apollo LASS American manned lunar habitat. Cancelled 1968. In the LASS (LM Adapter Surface Station) lunar shelter concept, the LM ascent stage was replaced by an SLA 'mini-base' and the position of the Apollo Service Module (SM) was reversed.

Apollo ELS American manned lunar habitat. Cancelled 1968. The capabilities of a lunar shelter not derived from Apollo hardware were surveyed in the Early Lunar Shelter Study (ELS), completed in February 1967 by AiResearch.

Apollo 9 First manned test of the Lunar Module. First test of the Apollo space suits. First manned flight of a spacecraft incapable of returning to earth. If rendezvous of the Lunar Module with the Apollo CSM had failed, crew would have been stranded in orbit.

Apollo 10 Final dress rehearsal in lunar orbit for landing on moon. LM separated and descended to 10 km from surface of moon but did not land. Speed record (11,107 m/s).

Apollo 11 First manned lunar landing. The end of the moon race and public support for large space programs. The many changes made after the Apollo 204 fire paid off; all went according to plan, virtually no problems.

Apollo ALSEP American lunar lander. 7 launches, 1969.07.16 (EASEP) to 1972.12.07 (ALSEP). ALSEP (Apollo Lunar Surface Experiment Package) was the array of connected scientific instruments left behind on the lunar surface by each Apollo expedition.

Apollo LRM American manned lunar orbiter. Study 1969. Grumman proposed to use the LM as a lunar reconnaissance module. But NASA had already considered this and many other possibilities (Apollo MSS, Apollo LMSS); and there was no budget available for any of them.

Apollo 12 Second manned lunar landing. Precision landing near Surveyor 3 that landed in 1967. Lightning struck the booster twice during ascent. Decision was made to press on to moon, despite possibility landing pyrotechnics damaged.

Apollo MET American lunar hand cart. Flown 1971. NASA designed the MET lunar hand cart to help with problems such as the Apollo 12 astronauts had in carrying hand tools, sample boxes and bags, a stereo camera, and other equipment on the lunar surface.

Apollo 13 Fuel cell tank exploded en route to the moon, resulting in loss of all power and oxygen. Only through use of the still-attached LM as a lifeboat could the crew survive to return to earth. Altitude (401,056 km) record.

Apollo: Soviets Recovered an Apollo Capsule! The truth only emerged 32 years later - the Soviets recovered an Apollo space capsule in 1970… the original article.

Apollo Rescue CSM American manned rescue spacecraft. Study 1970. Influenced by the stranded Skylab crew portrayed in the book and movie 'Marooned', NASA provided a crew rescue capability for the first time in its history.

Apollo 14 Third manned lunar landing. Only Mercury astronaut to reach moon. Five attempts to dock the command module with the lunar module failed for no apparent reason - mission saved when sixth was successful. Hike to Cone Crater frustrating; rim not reached.

Apollo LRV American manned lunar rover. The Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle was one of those sweet pieces of hardware that NASA and its contractors seemed to be able to develop so effortlessly during the short maturity of the Apollo program. The Lunar Rover was the only piece of equipment from NASA's ambitious post-Apollo lunar exploration plans to actually fly in space, being used on Apollo missions 15, 16, and 17 in 1971-1972. The design was based on three years of studies for light, two-crew, open-cockpit 'Local Science Survey Modules'. Although Bendix built a prototype, Boeing ended up with the production contract.

Apollo 15 First use of lunar rover on moon. Beautiful images of crew prospecting at edge of Hadley Rill. One of the three main parachutes failed, causing a hard but survivable splashdown.

Apollo 16 Second Apollo mission with lunar rover. CSM main engine failure detected in lunar orbit. Landing almost aborted.

Apollo 17 Final Apollo lunar landing mission. First geologist to walk on the moon.

Apollo 18 Apollo 18 was originally planned in July 1969 to land in the moon's Schroter's Valley, a river-like channel-way. The original February 1972 landing date was extended when NASA cancelled the Apollo 20 mission in January 1970. Apollo 18 in turn cancelled on 2 September 1970 because of congressional cuts in FY 1971 NASA appropriations.

Apollo 19 Apollo 19 was originally planned to land in the Hyginus Rille region, which would allow study of lunar linear rilles and craters. Apollo 19 in turn cancelled on 2 September 1970 because of congressional cuts in FY 1971 NASA appropriations.

Apollo 20 Apollo 20 was originally planned in July 1969 to land in Crater Copernicus, a spectacular large crater impact area. Later Copernicus was assigned to Apollo 19, and the preferred landing site for Apollo 20 was the Marius Hills, or, if the operational constraints were relaxed, the bright crater Tycho. The planned December 1972 flight was cancelled on January 4, 1970, before any crew assignments were made.

Apollo ASTP Docking Module American manned space station module. Docking Module 2. The ASTP docking module was basically an airlock with docking facilities on each end to allow crew transfer between the Apollo and Soyuz spacecraft.

Apollo CM Escape Concept American manned rescue spacecraft. Study 1976. Escape capsule using Apollo command module studied by Rockwell for NASA for use with the shuttle in the 1970's-80's. Mass per crew: 750 kg.

People: Schirra, Shepard, Cooper, Borman, Lovell, McDivitt, Gordon, Aldrin, Pogue, Irwin, Conrad, Eisele, Armstrong, Mitchell, Stafford, Young, Collins, Brand, Swigert, Worden, Kerwin, Bean, Cunningham, Scott, Engle, Roosa, Anders, Evans, Haise, Cernan, Chapman, Schmitt, Duke, Schweickart, Lousma, Mattingly, McCandless. Country: USA. Spacecraft: Apollo LM, Apollo CSM, Jupiter nose cone, Pegasus satellite, PFS. Flights: Apollo SA-11, Apollo SA-12, Apollo SA-13, Apollo SA-14, Apollo 204, Apollo 205, Apollo 207, Apollo 503, Apollo 7, Apollo 8, Apollo 9, Apollo 10, Apollo 11, Apollo 12, Apollo 13, Apollo 14, Apollo 15, Apollo 16, Apollo 17, Apollo 18, Apollo 19, Apollo 20. Launch Vehicles: Saturn I, Saturn IB, Uprated Saturn I, Saturn V. Launch Sites: Cape Canaveral. Agency: NASA Huntsville, NASA Houston. Bibliography: 4889, 9246.
Photo Gallery

Apollo with VanesApollo with Vanes
Credit: NASA

LM vs LKLM vs LK
US Lunar Module compared to Soviet LK lunar lander
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo CSMApollo CSM
Credit: © Mark Wade

Lunar roverLunar rover
Credit: © Mark Wade

Lunar Module 3 viewLunar Module 3 view
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo CSMApollo CSM
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apolo LMApolo LM
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo CSM and LMApollo CSM and LM
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo CSM InteriorApollo CSM Interior
Interior of the Apollo Command Service Module on display at Kennedy Space Centre, Florida.
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo Lunar ModuleApollo Lunar Module
Credit: © Mark Wade

Apollo CSMApollo CSM
Apollo CSM with Launch Escape Tower
Credit: © Mark Wade

Lunar ModuleLunar Module
Lunar Module front view
Credit: © Mark Wade

Artist concept of Apollo Lunar Mission Touchdown on Lunar Surface
Credit: NASA

Artist concept of Apollo Lunar Mission Exploration of Lunar Surface
Credit: NASA

One-twentieth size engineering model of the Apollo Lunar Excursion Module
Credit: NASA

Grumman Aircraft Engineering Corp. artist's concept of Lunar Module 5
Credit: NASA

Artist's concept of a Saturn launch
Credit: NASA

Artist's concept of a Saturn launch
Credit: NASA

Little Joe II lift-off from launch area #3 at White Sands
Credit: NASA

View of the lift-off of Little Joe II
Credit: NASA

Boilerplate 6 and firing sequence of Apollo-Little Joe
Credit: NASA

Apollo Mission (BP-6) composite
Credit: NASA

Launch of Saturn 7 at Launch Complex 37, Merritt Island launch area, Florid
Credit: NASA

First night launch of a Saturn I launch vehicle
Credit: NASA

Night time view of Apollo Spacecraft 009 atop Saturn 1B launch vehicle
Credit: NASA

Apollo/Saturn 201 launched from Kennedy Space Center
Credit: NASA

KSC Launch Complex 34 during Apollo/Saturn Mission 202 pre-launch alert
Credit: NASA

Apollo/Saturn Mission 202 launch
Credit: NASA

Lift-off of Saturn Mission 203
Credit: NASA

Artist's concept of prototype of Apollo Space suit
Credit: NASA

Space suit A-3H-024 with Lunar Excursion Module astronaut restraint harness
Credit: NASA

Test subject wears Apollo overgarment designed for use on lunar surface
Credit: NASA

Astronaut John Bull wears newly designed Apollo pressure suit
Credit: NASA

Portrait of Scientist-Astronauts whose selection was announced June 29, 196
Credit: NASA

Apollo LLTVApollo LLTV
Lunar Landing Training vehicle piloted by Neil Armstrong during training
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Early morning view of Apollo 4 unmanned spacecraft on launch pad
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Apollo 4 unmanned mission launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Launching of the Apollo 4 unmanned space mission
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Apollo 4 unmanned mission launched from Pad A, Launch Complex 39
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Brazil, Atlantic Ocean, Africa, Sahara & Antarctica seen from Apollo 4
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Brazil, Atlantic Ocean, Africa & Antarctica seen from Apollo 4
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Atlantic Ocean, Antarctica as seen from the Apollo 4 unmanned spacecraft
Credit: NASA

Apollo 4Apollo 4
Apollo spacecraft 017 is hoisted aboard U.S.S. Bennington
Credit: NASA

Apollo 5Apollo 5
Mating of Lunar Module-1 with Spacecraft Lunar Module Adapter-7
Credit: NASA

Apollo 5Apollo 5
Apollo 5 lift-off
Credit: NASA

Apollo 5Apollo 5
Apollo 5 lift-off
Credit: NASA

Apollo 5Apollo 5
Apollo 5 lift-off
Credit: NASA

Apollo 6Apollo 6
F-1 engines of Apollo/Saturn V first stage leave trail of flame after lift-off
Credit: NASA

Apollo 6Apollo 6
Recovery of Apollo 6 unmanned spacecraft
Credit: NASA

1953 March - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1955 March - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1956 January 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1956 November 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1957 April - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1957 December 30 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 February 10 - .
1958 June 23 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1958 July 29 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 August 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1958 August 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 September 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 September 11 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 October 11 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 October 25 - .
1958 November 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1958 November 1 - .
1958 November 5 - .
1958 December 3 - .
1958 December 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 December 17 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1958 December 17 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1958 December 17 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 January 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1959 January 2 - .
1959 January 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 January 19 - .
1959 January 27 - .
1959 February 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 February 4 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 February 5 - .
1959 February 15 - .
1959 February 17 - .
1959 February 20 - .
1959 March - .
1959 March 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1959 March 13 - .
1959 April 1-8 - .
1959 April 2-5 - .
1959 April 7 - .
1959 April 8 - .
1959 April 9-28 - .
1959 April 15 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn A-1.
1959 May 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 May 3 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 May 6 - .
1959 May 9 - . LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas Vega.
1959 May 25-26 - .
1959 May 25-26 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1959 May 25-26 - .
1959 May 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 May 27 - .
1959 June - .
1959 June 3 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 June 4 - .
1959 June 5 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 June 18 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 Summer - .
1959 June 25-26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1959 June 25-26 - .
1959 June 25-26 - .
1959 June 25-26 - .
1959 August 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1959 August-September - .
1959 August 12 - .
1959 August 18 - .
1959 August 31 - .
1959 September 1 - .
1959 September - .
1959 September 16-18 - . LV Family: Titan. Launch Vehicle: Titan IIIC.
1959 September 28 - .
1959 October 21 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 November 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 November 2 - .
1959 November 19 - .
1959 November 27 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1959 December 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 December 7 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 December 8-9 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1959 December 8-9 - .
1959 December 8-9 - .
1959 December 9 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1959 December 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1959 December 29 - .
1959 December 31 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1960 January 14 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1960 January 28 - .
1960 January - .
1960 January - .
1960 February 1 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1960 February 10-11 - .
1960 February 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1960 February 29 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 March 1 - .
1960 March 3-5 - .
1960 March 8 - .
1960 March 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 Spring - .
1960 March 28 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 April 1-May 3 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1960 April 1-May 3 - .
1960 April 1-May 3 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1960 April 1-May 3 - .
1960 April 1-May 3 - .
1960 April-May - .
1960 April 5 - .
1960 April 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 April 15 - .
1960 April 15 - .
1960 April 18 - .
1960 April 21 - .
1960 April 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 April 29 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 April - .
1960 May 2 - .
1960 May 3 - .
1960 May 5 - .
1960 May 12 - .
1960 May 16-17 - .
1960 May 25 - .
1960 May 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 May 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 May 31 - .
1960 June 8 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 June 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 June 21 - .
1960 Summer - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1960 July 5 - .
1960 July 14-15 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1960 July 25 - .
1960 July 28 - .
1960 July 28-29 - .
1960 August 8 - .
1960 August 13 - .
1960 August 13 - .
1960 August 30 - .
1960 September 1 - .
1960 September 2 - .
1960 September 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1960 September 13 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1960 September 13 - .
1960 September 13 - .
1960 September 30 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1960 September 30 - October 3 - .
1960 October 4 - .
1960 October 5 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1960 October 9 - .
1960 October 17 - .
1960 October 21 - .
1960 October 21 - .
1960 October 25 - .
1960 October 25 - .
1960 October 25 - .
1960 October 27 - November 2 - .
1960 October 28 - .
1960 November 2 - .
1960 November 3 - .
1960 November 4 - .
1960 November 16 - .
1960 November 22 - .
1960 November 22 - .
1960 November 29 - .
1960 November 30 - .
1960 December 1 - .
1960 December 2 - .
1960 December 2 - .
1960 December 2 - .
1960 December 2 - .
1960 December 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 December 6-8 - .
1960 December 7 - .
1960 December 7-9 - .
1960 December 9 - .
1960 December 10 - .
1960 December 13 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1960 December 14-15 - .
1960 December 14 - .
1960 December 22 - .
1960 December 29 - .
1961 January 5-6 - .
1961 January 6 - .
1961 January 6-12 - .
1961 January 6 - .
1961 January 9 - . LV Family: Nova. Launch Vehicle: Nova 4L.
1961 January 10 - .
1961 January 10 - .
1961 January 11 - .
1961 January 11 - .
1961 January 11 - .
1961 January 11 - .
1961 January 12 - .
1961 January 12-13 - .
1961 January 16-17 - .
1961 January 19 - .
1961 January 24 - .
1961 January 25 - .
1961 January 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 January 30 - .
1961 January 31-February 1 - .
1961 January - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 February 7 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 February 7 - .
1961 February 10 - .
1961 February 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 February 27-25 - .
1961 March 1 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 March 1-3 - .
1961 March 7 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 March 20 - .
1961 March 23 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 March 28 - .
1961 March 29-30 - .
1961 March 31 - .
1961 April 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 April 10-13 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 10 - .
1961 April 10-14 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 10-12 - .
1961 April 12 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 April 12 - .
1961 April 14 - .
1961 April 19 - .
1961 April 19 - .
1961 April 19 - .
1961 April 20 - .
1961 April 25 - .
1961 April 29 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 April - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 May 1 - .
1961 May 2 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 May 5 - .
1961 May 7 - . LV Family: Titan. Launch Vehicle: Titan II.
1961 May 7 - .
1961 May 8 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 May 15 - .
1961 May 22 - .
1961 May 25 - .
1961 May 25 - .
1961 May 25 - .
1961 May - .
1961 May - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 May 31 - .
1961 June 1 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 June 2 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 June 2 - .
1961 June 5 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC34. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 June 5 - .
1961 June 7 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1961 June 10 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 June 16 - .
1961 June 20 - . LV Family: Saturn V. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-3.
1961 June 22 - .
1961 June 22 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 June 23 - .
1961 June 23 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 June 23 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 June 23 - .
1961 June 26 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 June 26 - .
1961 Summer - .
1961 June - .
1961 June - .
1961 July 6 - .
1961 July 7 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 July 11 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 July 18 - .
1961 July 20 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 July 24 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-2.
1961 July 28 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 July 28 - .
1961 July 31 - .
1961 July - .
1961 July - .
1961 July-September - .
1961 July - .
1961 August 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 August 5 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 August 7 - .
1961 August 9 - .
1961 August 14 - .
1961 August 14 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 August 14-15 - .
1961 August 16 - .
1961 August 16 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 August 23 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 August 24 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral.
1961 August - .
1961 August 31 - .
1961 August - .
1961 August 31 - . LV Family: Saturn V. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-3.
1961 August - .
1961 September 5 - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral. Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 September 7 - .
1961 September 11 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 September 12-13 - .
1961 September 14 - .
1961 September 17 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 September 19 - .
1961 September 24 - .
1961 September 25 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 September 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 September - .
1961 October 3 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 October 3 - .
1961 October 4 - .
1961 October 9 - .
1961 October 11 - .
1961 October 20 - .
1961 October 24 - . LV Family: Nova. Launch Vehicle: Nova A.
1961 October 25 - .
1961 October 31 - .
1961 October 31 - .
1961 November 1 - .
1961 November 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 November 6 - .
1961 November 6 - .
1961 November 7-9 - .
1961 November 8 - .
1961 November 15 - .
1961 November 16 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 November 17 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 November 20 - . LV Family: Saturn V. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-5.
1961 November 24 - .
1961 November 27 - .
1961 November 28 - .
1961 November 29-30 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 December 4 - .
1961 December 4 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 December 5-20 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1961 December 8 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1961 December 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 December 18-19 - .
1961 December 20 - .
1961 December 20 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1961 December 21 - .
1961 December 21 - .
1961 December 21 - .
1961 December 29 - .
1962 January-June - .
1962 January-February - .
1962 January 5 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 January 11 - .
1962 January 15 - .
1962 January 22 - .
1962 January - .
1962 January - .
1962 January - .
1962 February 6 - .
1962 February 7 - .
1962 February 7 - .
1962 February 9 - .
1962 February 9 - .
1962 February 13-15 - .
1962 February 13 - .
1962 February 14 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 February 18 - . LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas D.
1962 February 27 - .
1962 February - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe.
1962 February - .
1962 February - .
1962 March 1 - .
1962 March 2 - .
1962 March 3 - .
1962 March 6 - .
1962 March 8 - .
1962 March 12 - .
1962 March 12-13 - .
1962 March 13 - .
1962 March 14 - .
1962 March 15-16 - .
1962 March 18 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 March 23 - .
1962 March 23 - .
1962 March 25-31 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 March 29 - .
1962 March 29 - .
1962 March - .
1962 March-November - .
1962 April 1-7 - .
1962 April 2-3 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 April 4 - .
1962 April 6 - .
1962 April 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 April 11 - .
1962 April 16 - .
1962 April 19-20 - .
1962 April 24 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 April 24 - .
1962 April 24 - . LV Family: Nova. Launch Vehicle: Nova 8L.
1962 April - .
1962 April - .
1962 April - .
1962 April - .
1962 April - .
1962 April - .
1962 April 30 - .
1962 May 3 - .
1962 May 3 - .
1962 May 4 - .
1962 May 4-5 - .
1962 May 5 - .
1962 May 6 - .
1962 May 8 - .
1962 May 11 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 May 25 - . LV Family: Nova. Launch Vehicle: Saturn C-8.
1962 May 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 May 29 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 May 29 - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 May - .
1962 June 7 - .
1962 June 10-11 - .
1962 June 16-22 - .
1962 June 16 - .
1962 June 18 - .
1962 Summer-Fall - .
1962 June 22 - .
1962 June 22 - .
1962 June 22 - .
1962 June - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 June 30 - .
1962 July 1-7 - .
1962 July - .
1962 July 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 July 6 - .
1962 July 6 - .
1962 July 10-11 - .
1962 July 10-11 - .
1962 July 10 - .
1962 July 11 - .
1962 July 11 - .
1962 July 16 - .
1962 July 17 - .
1962 July 17 - .
1962 July 20 - .
1962 July 21 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 July 25 - .
1962 July 29-August 4 - .
1962 July 30 - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July 31 - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 July - .
1962 August 1 - .
1962 August 2 - .
1962 August 2 - .
1962 August 6 - .
1962 August 7 - .
1962 August 8 - .
1962 August 8 - .
1962 August 8 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 August 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 August 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 August 11 - .
1962 August 11 - .
1962 August 13 - .
1962 August 13-14 - .
1962 August 14 - .
1962 Mid-August - .
1962 August 16 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1962 August 17 - .
1962 August 22 - .
1962 August 22 - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - .
1962 August - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 September 4 - .
1962 September 4 - .
1962 September 5 - .
1962 September 5 - .
1962 September 6 - .
1962 September 7 - .
1962 Early September - .
1962 September 10 - .
1962 September 10 - .
1962 September 11 - .
1962 September 12 - .
1962 September 21 - .
1962 September 23-October 6 - .
1962 September 24 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 September 26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 September - .
1962 October 1 - .
1962 October 4 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 October 5 - .
1962 October 10 - .
1962 October 16 - .
1962 October 22 - .
1962 October 23 - .
1962 October 24 - .
1962 October 25 - .
1962 October 26 - .
1962 October 30 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 October 30 - .
1962 October 30 - .
1962 October 31 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - .
1962 October - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 October 31 - .
1962 October - .
1962 First Week - .
1962 November 2 - .
1962 November 3 - .
1962 November 5 - .
1962 November 7 - .
1962 November 8 - .
1962 November 9 - .
1962 November 13 - .
1962 November 15 - .
1962 November 17 - .
1962 November 19 - .
1962 November 19 - .
1962 November 20 - .
1962 November 23 - .
1962 November 26 - .
1962 November 27 - .
1962 November 27 - .
1962 November 27 - .
1962 November 27 - .
1962 November 27 - .
1962 November - .
1962 November - .
1962 November - .
1962 November - .
1962 November - .
1962 November - .
1962 November - .
1962 December 3 - .
1962 December 3 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 December 4 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1962 December 5 - .
1962 December 5 - .
1962 December 8 - .
1962 December 10 - .
1962 December 11 - .
1962 December 11 - .
1962 December 12 - .
1962 December 13 - .
1962 December 15 - .
1962 December 18 - .
1962 December 20 - .
1962 December 21 - .
1962 December 26 - .
1962 December 28 - .
1962 December 28 - .
1962 December 28 - .
1962 December - .
1962 December - .
1962 December - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1962 December - .
1962 December - .
1962 - During the last quarter - .
1962 December - .
1962 December - .
1963 January 2 - .
1963 January 8 - .
1963 January 8 - .
1963 January 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1963 January 16 - .
1963 January 16-February 15 - .
1963 January 16-February 15 - .
1963 January 17 - .
1963 January 17 - .
1963 January 18 - .
1963 January 18 - .
1963 January 23 - .
1963 January 24 - .
1963 January 26 - .
1963 January 28 - .
1963 January 28 - .
1963 January 30 - .
1963 January - .
1963 February 1 - .
1963 February 1 - .
1963 February 6 - .
1963 February 7 - .
1963 February 8 - .
1963 February 11 - .
1963 February 12 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 February 13 - .
1963 February 13 - .
1963 February 15 - .
1963 February 18 - .
1963 February 18 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 February 19 - .
1963 February 20 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1963 February 20 - .
1963 February 21 - .
1963 February 24-March 23 - .
1963 February 25 - .
1963 February 25 - .
1963 February 25 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 February 26 - .
1963 February 26 - .
1963 February 27 - .
1963 February 27 - .
1963 February 27 - .
1963 February - .
1963 February - .
1963 March 4 - .
1963 March 4 - .
1963 March 4 - .
1963 March 5 - .
1963 March 5 - .
1963 March 5 - .
1963 March 6 - .
1963 March 6 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1963 March 7 - .
1963 March 8 - .
1963 March 10 - .
1963 March 11 - .
1963 March 11 - .
1963 March 11 - .
1963 March 13 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1963 March 14 - .
1963 March 14 - .
1963 March 20 - .
1963 March 21 - .
1963 March 25 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 March 25-31 - .
1963 March 26-28 - .
1963 March 26 - .
1963 March 26 - .
1963 March 27 - .
1963 - During the second quarter - .
1963 - During the second quarter - .
1963 - During the second quarter - .
1963 March - .
1963 March - .
1963 March - .
1963 March - .
1963 April 1 - .
1963 April 3 - .
1963 April 3 - .
1963 April 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 April 10 - .
1963 April 16-May 15 - .
1963 April 16-May 15 - .
1963 April 16-May 15 - .
1963 April 17 - .
1963 April 18 - .
1963 April 25-26 - .
1963 April - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 April 30 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 April - .
1963 April - .
1963 April - .
1963 May 1 - .
1963 May 2 - .
1963 May 3 - .
1963 May 6 - .
1963 May 6 - .
1963 May 7 - .
1963 May 10 - .
1963 May 10 - .
1963 May 10 - .
1963 Early in the Month - .
1963 May 14 - .
1963 May 15 - .
1963 May 20 - .
1963 May 20-22 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 May 22 - .
1963 May 23-24 - .
1963 May 23 - .
1963 May 23 - .
1963 May 24 - .
1963 May 28 - .
1963 May 29 - .
1963 May 29 - .
1963 May 30 - .
1963 May - .
1963 May - .
1963 May - .
1963 May - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 May - .
1963 June - .
1963 June 3 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 June 3 - .
1963 June 4 - .
1963 June 5 - .
1963 June 6 - .
1963 June 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 June 10 - .
1963 June 10 - .
1963 June 12 - .
1963 June 12 - .
1963 June 14 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 June 14 - .
1963 June 14-15 - .
1963 June 16-July 20 - .
1963 June 16-July 20 - .
1963 June 20 - .
1963 June 21-27 - .
1963 June 21-27 - .
1963 June 22 - .
1963 June 25 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 June 26 - .
1963 June 26 - .
1963 June 28 - .
1963 June 28 - .
1963 June 28 - .
1963 June - .
1963 June - .
1963 June - .
1963 June - .
1963 July 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 July 1-2 - .
1963 July 3 - .
1963 July 9-10 - .
1963 July 10 - .
1963 July 10 - .
1963 July 10 - .
1963 July 12 - .
1963 July 15 - .
1963 July 15-16 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 July 16-August 15 - .
1963 July 16 - .
1963 July 16 - .
1963 July 18 - .
1963 July 18 - .
1963 July 18 - .
1963 July 19 - .
1963 July 23 - .
1963 July 23 - .
1963 July 28-August 3 - .
1963 July 28-August 3 - .
1963 July 30-31 - .
1963 August 1 - .
1963 August 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 August 5 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1963 August 9-10 - .
1963 August 14 - .
1963 Mid-month - .
1963 August 15-September 21 - .
1963 August 15 - .
1963 Week of August 18 - .
1963 August 21 - .
1963 Week of August 22-29 - .
1963 August 26 - .
1963 August 27 - .
1963 August 27 - .
1963 Week of August 30 - .
1963 August 30 - .
1963 August - .
1963 August - .
1963 September 1-7 - .
1963 September 4 - .
1963 September 4 - .
1963 September 5-11 - .
1963 September 6 - .
1963 September 6 - .
1963 September 6 - .
1963 September 9 - .
1963 September 12 - .
1963 September 16 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1963 September 16-18 - .
1963 September 16 - .
1963 September 17 - .
1963 September 18 - .
1963 September 19 - .
1963 September 19-25 - .
1963 September 19-October 16 - .
1963 September 19-25 - .
1963 September 20 - .
1963 September 22-29 - .
1963 September 24 - .
1963 September 25-26 - .
1963 September 26 - .
1963 September 26-27 - .
1963 September 26-October 2 - .
1963 September 26 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.
1963 September 30 - .
1963 September 30 - .
1963 September - .
1963 October 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 October 8 - .
1963 October 8 - .
1963 October 8 - .
1963 October 9 - .
1963 October 10 - .
1963 October 14 - .
1963 October 14 - .
1963 October 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 October 16-17 - .
1963 October 16-23 - .
1963 October 16-November 15 - .
1963 October 18 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 October 18 - .
1963 October 18 - .
1963 October 20-November 16 - .
1963 October 21 - .
1963 October 22 - .
1963 October 23-30 - .
1963 October 23 - .
1963 October 24 - .
1963 October 24 - .
1963 October 25 - .
1963 October 29 - .
1963 October 30 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.
1963 October 31 - .
1963 October - .
1963 October 31 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 November 1 - .
1963 November 1 - .
1963 November 5 - .
1963 November 5 - .
1963 November 5 - .
1963 November 7 - .
1963 November 8 - .
1963 November 8 - .
1963 November 8 - . LV Family: Saturn I. Launch Vehicle: Saturn IB.
1963 November 8 - .
1963 November 12-15 - .
1963 November 12 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 November 12 - .
1963 November 12 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 November 12-19 - .
1963 November 13-14 - .
1963 November 14 - .
1963 November 15 - .
1963 November 16-December 15 - .
1963 November 16-December 15 - .
1963 November 17-December 21 - .
1963 November 19-20 - .
1963 November 21 - .
1963 November 22 - .
1963 November 22 - .
1963 November 27 - .
1963 November 27 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 November 28-December 4 - .
1963 November 28 - .
1963 November 29 - .
1963 November - .
1963 November - .
1963 November - .
1963 December 2 - .
1963 December 3-5 - .
1963 December 5 - .
1963 December 9 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1963 December 10-17 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1963 December 10-17 - .
1963 December 11 - .
1963 December 15 - .
1963 December 16-January 15 - .
1963 December 16-January 15 - .
1963 December 16 - .
1963 December 16 - .
1963 December 16-January 15 - .
1963 December 16 - .
1963 December 16 - .
1963 December 17 - .
1963 December 18-January 14 - .
1963 December 18-January 14 - .
1963 December 19 - .
1963 December 20 - .
1963 December 20-January 18 - .
1963 December 20 - .
1963 December 21 - .
1963 December 23 - .
1963 December 29-January 4 - .
1963 December - .
1963 December 31 - .
1963 December 31 - . LV Family: Minuteman.
1963 December - .
1964 January 3 - .
1964 January 3 - .
1964 January 7 - .
1964 January 8 - .
1964 January 10 - .
1964 January 11 - .
1964 January 14 - .
1964 January 14 - .
1964 January 15-23 - .
1964 January 15 - .
1964 January 15 - .
1964 January 15-23 - .
1964 January 15-23 - .
1964 January 15-23 - .
1964 January 15 - .
1964 January 16 - .
1964 January 16 - .
1964 January 16-February 12 - .
1964 January 16-February 15 - .
1964 January 16-February 15 - .
1964 January 17 - .
1964 January 17 - .
1964 January 19 - .
1964 January 21 - .
1964 January 22 - .
1964 January 23 - .
1964 January 23-29 - .
1964 January 23 - .
1964 January 24 - .
1964 January 24 - .
1964 January 26-February 1 - .
1964 January 27 - .
1964 January 27 - .
1964 January 28 - .
1964 January 29 - .
1964 January 29 - . 16:25 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC37B. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1964 January 30-February 5 - .
1964 January - .
1964 February 1 - .
1964 February 3 - .
1964 February 4 - .
1964 February 6 - .
1964 February 7 - .
1964 February 7 - .
1964 February 7 - .
1964 February 10 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1964 February 11 - .
1964 February 12 - .
1964 February 13-19 - .
1964 February 13 - .
1964 February 13-20 - .
1964 February 14 - .
1964 February 16-March 15 - .
1964 February 16-March 15 - .
1964 February 16-March 21 - .
1964 February 16-March 21 - .
1964 February 17 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1964 February 17 - .
1964 February 17 - .
1964 February 19-20 - .
1964 February 20-26 - .
1964 February 20-26 - .
1964 February 20-26 - .
1964 February 20-26 - .
1964 February 20-26 - .
1964 February 22 - .
1964 February 24 - .
1964 February 25 - .
1964 February 25 - .
1964 February 25 - .
1964 February 25 - .
1964 February 27 - .
1964 February 27-March 4 - .
1964 February 27-March 4 - .
1964 February 27-March 4 - .
1964 February 27-29 - .
1964 February 27 - .
1964 March 2-9 - .
1964 March 9 - .
1964 March 10 - .
1964 March 10 - .
1964 March 12 - .
1964 March 12-18 - .
1964 March 12-18 - .
1964 March 12 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1964 March 12 - .
1964 March 13 - .
1964 March 16-April 15 - .
1964 March 16-April 15 - .
1964 March 16 - .
1964 March 16-April 15 - .
1964 March 17 - .
1964 March 19-26 - .
1964 March 19-26 - .
1964 March 19 - .
1964 March 19-20 - .
1964 March 20 - .
1964 March 20 - .
1964 March 23 - .
1964 March 23 - .
1964 March 24-26 - .
1964 March 24 - .
1964 March 25 - .
1964 March 25 - .
1964 March 26-April 1 - .
1964 March 29-April 4 - .
1964 March 30 - . Launch Vehicle: Little Joe II.
1964 March 30 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1964 April 1 - .
1964 April 2-9 - .
1964 April 2-9 - .
1964 April 6-13 - .
1964 April 7 - .
1964 April 7-8 - .
1964 April 13 - .
1964 April 14 - .
1964 April 15-16 - .
1964 April 15 - .
1964 April 15 - .
1964 April 15 - .
1964 April 15 - .
1964 April 16 - .
1964 April 16 - .
1964 April 16-22 - .
1964 April 16-23 - .
1964 April 16-May 15 - .
1964 April 17 - .
1964 April 20 - .
1964 April 21 - .
1964 April 21 - .
1964 April 23 - .
1964 April 23-30 - .
1964 April 23-30 - .
1964 April 24 - .
1964 April 24 - .
1964 April 24 - .
1964 April 24 - .
1964 April 28-30 - .
1964 May 4 - .
1964 May 28 - . 17:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC37B. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1964 June 11 - .
1964 September 14 - .
1964 September 18 - .
1964 September 18 - . 16:22 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC37B. Launch Vehicle: Saturn I.
1964 September 30 - .
1964 October 1 - .
1964 October 1-2 - .
1964 October 1-8 - .
1964 October 1-8 - .
1964 October 2 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1964 October 2 - .
1964 October 2-29 - .
1964 October 5-8 - .
1964 October 8 - .
1964 October 8-15 - .
1964 October 8-15 - .
1964 October 8-15 - .
1964 October 8-15 - .
1964 October 8-15 - .
1964 October 9 - .
1964 October 9 - .
1964 October 11-November 10 - .
1964 October 11-November 10 - .
1964 October 12 - .
1964 October 12 - .
1964 October 13 - .
1964 October 14 - .
1964 October 14 - .
1964 October 14 - .
1964 October 15 - .
1964 October 15-22 - .
1964 October 15-22 - .
1964 October 15-22 - .
1964 October 15-22 - .
1964 October 15 - .
1964 October 15 - .
1964 October 15 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1964 October 16-November 15 - .
1964 October 16 - .
1964 October 16-November 15 - .
1964 October 17 - .
1964 October 19 - .
1964 October 19 - .
1964 October 22 - .
1964 October 22-29 - .
1964 October 22-29 - .
1964 October 23 - .
1964 October 23 - .
1964 October 26 - .
1964 October 27 - .
1964 October 27 - .
1964 October 27 - .
1964 October 27 - .
1964 October 28 - .
1964 October 28 - .
1964 October 28 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 29 - .
1964 October 29-November 5 - .
1964 October 30 - .
1964 October 31 - .
1964 - During the third quarter - .
1964 November 2 - .
1964 November 3 - .
1964 November 3 - .
1964 November 5-12 - .
1964 November 5-12 - .
1964 November 5-12 - .
1964 November 5-12 - .
1964 November 5-12 - .
1964 November 5 - .
1964 November 5 - .
1964 November 6 - .
1964 November 6 - .
1964 November 9 - .
1964 November 10 - .
1964 November 10 - .
1964 November 12-19 - .
1964 November 12-19 - .
1964 November 12-19 - .
1964 November 12-19 - .
1964 November 12-19 - .
1964 November 12-19 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1964 November 13 - .
1964 November 13 - .
1964 November 16 - .
1964 November 16-December 15 - .
1964 November 16 - .
1964 November 17-18 - .
1964 November 17-18 - .
1964 November 18 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 19-26 - . Launch Vehicle: Saturn V.
1964 November 19 - .
1964 November 19 - .
1964 November 19-26 - .
1964 November 23 - .
1964 November 23-25 - .
1964 November 23 - .
1964 November 23 - .
1964 November 23 - .
1964 November 25 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 26-December 3 - .
1964 November 27 - .
1964 November 30 - .
1964 November 30 - .
1964 November - .
1964 December 3-10 - .
1964 December 3-10 - .
1964 December 3-10 - .
1964 December 3-10 - .