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The Apollo 204 Review Board transmitted its final formal report on the fire to the NASA Administrator. The Board noted that the reliability of the CM and the entire system involved in its operation was a requirement common to both safety and mission success. It followed that protection from fire as a hazard required much more than quick egress. The risk of fire was only one factor pertaining to CM reliability that must receive adequate consideration. Design features and operating procedures intended to reduce the fire risk must not introduce other serious risks to mission success and safety.
- No single ignition source of the fire was conclusively identified. Each member concurred in each of the findings, determinations, and recommendations concerning the January 27 spacecraft fire that took the lives of three astronauts. During the review the Board had adhered to the principle that reliability of the CM and the entire system involved in its operation was a requirement common to both safety and mission success. Once the CM had left the earth's environment the occupants were totally dependent on it for their safety. It followed that protection from fire as a hazard required much more than quick egress. Egress was useful only during test periods on earth when the CM was being readied for its mission and not during the mission itself. The risk of fire had to be faced, but that risk was only one factor pertaining to CM reliability that must receive adequate consideration. Design features and operating procedures intended to reduce the fire risk must not introduce other serious risks to mission success and safety. The House Committee on Science and Astronautics' Subcommittee on NASA Oversight held hearings on the Review Board report April 10-12, 17, and 21 and May 10. Senate Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences hearings were held April 11, 13,and 17 and May 4 and 9. Findings, determinations, and recommendations of the Apollo 204 Review Board were: Finding
- A momentary power failure occurred at 6:30:55 p.m. EST (23:30:55 GMT). Determination The most probable initiator was an electrical arc in the sector between the -Y and +Z spacecraft axes. The exact location best fitting the total available information was near the floor in the lower forward section of the left-hand equipment bay where environmental control system instrumentation power wiring led into the area between the environmental control unit and the oxygen panel. No evidence was discovered that suggested sabotage. Finding
- The CM contained many classes of combustible material in areas contiguous to possible ignition sources. Determination The test conditions were extremely hazardous. Recommendation The amount and location of combustible materials in the CM must be severely restricted and controlled. Finding
- The rapid spread of fire increased pressure and temperature, rupturing the CM and creating a toxic atmosphere. "Death of the crew was from asphyxia due to inhalation of toxic gases due to fire. A contributory cause of death was thermal burns." Determination Autopsy data led to the medical opinion that unconsciousness occurred rapidly and that death followed soon thereafter. Finding Because of internal pressure, the CM inner hatch could not be opened before rupture of the CM. Determination The crew was never capable of effecting emergency egress because of the pressurization before the rupture and their loss of consciousness soon after rupture. Recommendation The time required for egress of the crew should be reduced and the operations necessary for egress be simplified. Finding The organizations responsible for planning, conducting, and safety of this test failed to identify it as being hazardous. Contingency preparations to permit escape or rescue of the crew from an internal CM fire were not made. - No procedures for this kind of emergency had been established either for the crew or for the spacecraft pad work team. Determination Adequate safety precautions were neither established nor observed for this test. Recommendations
- Management should continually monitor the safety of all test operations and ensure the adequacy of emergency procedures. Finding Frequent interruptions and failures had been experienced in the overall communication system during the operations preceding the accident. Determination The overall communication system was unsatisfactory. Recommendation
- The ground communication system should be improved to ensure reliable communications among all test elements as. soon as possible and before the next manned flight. Finding
- Revisions in the Operational Checkout Procedure for the test were issued at 5:30 p.m. EST January 26, 1967 (209 pages), and 10:00 a.m. EST January 27, 1967 (4 pages). Determination Neither the revision nor the differences contributed to the accident. The late issuance of the revision, however, prevented test personnel from becoming adequately familiar with the test procedure before use. Recommendations
- Test procedures and pilot's checklists that represent the actual CM configuration should be published in final form and reviewed early enough to permit adequate preparation and participation of all test organizations. Finding The fire in CM 012 was subsequently simulated closely by a test fire in a full-scale mockup. Determination Full-scale mockup fire tests could be used to give a realistic appraisal of fire risks in flight-configured spacecraft. Recommendation Full-scale mockups in flight configuration should be tested to determine the risk of fire. Finding The CM environmental control system design provided a pure oxygen atmosphere. Determination This atmosphere presented severe fire hazards if the mount and location of combustibles in the CM were not restricted and controlled. Recommendations
- The fire safety of the reconfigured CM should be established by full-scale mockup tests. Finding Deficiencies existed in CM design, workmanship and quality control, such as: - Components of the environmental control system installed in CM 012 had a history of many removals and of technical difficulties, including regulator failures, line failures, and environmental control unit failures. The design and installation features of the environmental control unit made removal or repair difficult. Determination These deficiencies created an unnecessarily hazardous condition and their continuation would imperil any future Apollo Operations. Recommendations
- All elements, components, and assemblies of the environmental control system should be reviewed in depth to ensure its functional and structural integrity and to minimize its contribution to fire risk. Finding An examination of operating practices showed the following examples of problem areas: - The number of open items at the time of shipment of the CM 012 was not known. There were 113 significant engineering orders not accomplished at the time CM 012 was delivered to NASA; 623 engineering orders were released subsequent to delivery. Of these, 22 were recent releases that were not recorded in configuration records at the time of the accident. Determination Problems of program management and relations between Centers and with the contractor had led to some insufficient responses to changing program requirements. Recommendation Every effort must be made to ensure the maximum clarification and understanding of the responsibilities of all organizations in the program, the objective being a fully coordinated and efficient program.
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