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Petrone, Rocco
 Petrone Credit: NASA |
American engineer, managed development of the Redstone at Huntsville, then the Saturn V at NASA, 1960-1974.
Born: 1926-03-31. Died: 2006-08-24.
Rocco Petrone was heavily involved at NASA with the development of the Saturn V booster used to launch Apollo spacecraft to the Moon in the 1960s and early 1970s. He worked at the Marshall Space Flight Center, and became its director in 1973. He left Marshall in 1974 for a position at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C., in 1974, and retired from the agency in 1975. He than became president and chief executive officer of the National Center for Resource Recovery.
1926 March 31 - .
- Birth of Rocco Petrone - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone.
American engineer, managed development of the Redstone at Huntsivlle, then the Saturn V at NASA, 1960-1974..
1966 May 27 - .
- Structural problems in the Apollo CSM fuel and oxidizer tanks - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone,
Program: Apollo.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block II.
ASPO Manager Joseph F. Shea informed Rocco A. Petrone, KSC, that structural problems in the CSM fuel and oxidizer tanks required standpipe modifications and that they were mandatory for Block I and Block II spacecraft. Retrofit was to be effective on CSM 011 at KSC and other vehicles at North American's plant in Downey, Calif.
1967 February 3 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board requested procedures for entry into CM 012 - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Spacecraft: Apollo CSM,
CSM Block I.
The Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman requested that a document be written to establish procedures for entry into CM 012. .
Additional Details: here....
1967 February 4 - .
- Apollo 204 Review Board established an Advisory Group - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Debus,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 204.
Apollo 204 Review Board Chairman Floyd L. Thompson established an Advisory Group to support the Board in its investigation. .
Additional Details: here....
1968 January 5 - .
- High humidity within the Apollo SLA - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone.
Program: Apollo.
Spacecraft: Apollo LM,
LM Descent Propulsion.
ASPO Manager George M. Low discussed with Rocco Petrone of KSC the problem of high humidity levels within the spacecraft-lunar module adapter. Petrone advised that several changes had been made to alleviate the problem: air conditioning in the SLA and the instrument unit would remain on during propellant loading; and the rate of air flow into the SLA was increased. Also, technicians at the Cape had designed a tygon tube to be installed to bring dry air into the LM descent engine bell, should this added precaution prove necessary. With these changes, Low felt confident that the humidity problem had been resolved.
1968 August 8 - .
- Test and checkout problems for Apollo AS-503 and AS-504 - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Debus,
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 8,
Apollo 9.
ASPO Manager George M. Low and several members of his staff met at KSC with Center Director Kurt H. Debus, Launch Operations Director Rocco A. Petrone, and KSC Apollo Program Manager R. O. Middleton to discuss test and checkout problems for AS-503 and AS-504. Additional Details: here....
1968 November 8 - .
Launch Vehicle:
Saturn V.
- Proper spacecraft deployment during the Apollo 8 flight - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone.
Program: Apollo.
Flight: Apollo 7,
Apollo 8.
Spacecraft Bus: Apollo Spacecraft Systems Development Diaries.
Spacecraft: CSM Electrical.
ASPO Manager George M. Low asked Rocco A. Petrone, Launch Operations Director at KSC, to set up a special task team to review all paperwork and to inspect visually all hardware, to ensure proper spacecraft deployment during the Apollo 8 flight. .
Additional Details: here....
1969 August 22 - .
- Rocco A Petrone named as Director of the Apollo Program - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone,
Phillips, Samuel.
Program: Apollo.
NASA named Rocco A. Petrone, Director of Launch Operations at KSC, to succeed Samuel C. Phillips as Director of the Apollo Program effective September 1..
1973 January 26 - .
- Rocco A. Petrone became the new NASA MSFC Director. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone,
MSFC Director Eberhard F. M. Rees retired. He had served as Director since 1 March 1970. Rocco A. Petrone, NASA Apollo Program Director, became the new MSFC Director. .
2006 August 24 - .
- Death of Rocco Petrone - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Petrone.
American engineer, managed development of the Redstone at Huntsivlle, then the Saturn V at NASA, 1960-1974..
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