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Delta 2 7000
Part of Thor
Delta 7925 no. 205
Delta 7925 no. 205
Delta 7925 no. 205 - COSPAR 1991-037
American orbital launch vehicle. The Delta 7000 series used GEM-40 strap-ons with the Extra Extended Long Tank core, further upgraded with the RS-27A engine.

Status: In production. Payload: 5,089 kg (11,219 lb). Thrust: 3,110.00 kN (699,150 lbf). Gross mass: 231,870 kg (511,180 lb). Height: 38.10 m (124.90 ft). Diameter: 2.44 m (8.00 ft). Apogee: 185 km (114 mi).

LEO Payload: 5,089 kg (11,219 lb) to a 185 km orbit. Payload: 1,818 kg (4,008 lb) to a GTO. Launch Price $: 60.000 million in 1999 dollars.

Family: orbital launch vehicle. Country: USA. Engines: AJ10-118K. Spacecraft: Spacebus 100, ECS/OTS, HS 376, AS 3000, ASC, GPS Block 2 and 2A, HS 601, Losat, SEDS, PMG, Wind, Radarsat, SURFSAT-1, XTE, NEAR, Polar, MSX, Mars Global Surveyor, Mars Pathfinder, GPS Block 2R, LM 700, ACE, Globalstar, Deep Space 1, SEDSAT, Mars Polar Lander, Stardust, ARGOS, Orsted, Sunsat, Landsat 7, FUSE, IMAGE, EO-1, Munin, SAC-C, Mars Odyssey, GeoLITE, MAP, QuickBird, TIMED, Aqua, Contour, CHIPSat, ICESat, XSS, MER. Agency: Douglas.

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