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Mars 2MV-2
Part of 2MV
 Mars 1 / 2MV-4 Mars 2MV-4. Other spacecraft in the 2MV series were similar. Credit: NASA |
Russian Venus probe. Sputnik 21.
AKA: 2MV-2. Status: Operational 1962. First Launch: 1962-09-12. Last Launch: 1962-09-12. Number: 1 . Gross mass: 890 kg (1,960 lb).
Launch Vehicles:
Molniya 8K78.
Launch Sites:
Baikonur LC1.
Korolev bureau.
Photo Gallery
 | Venera Credit: Manufacturer Image |
1961 January 18 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Molniya 8K78.
1961 January 20 - .
- Venera preparations - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Korolev.
Spacecraft: Mars 2MV-2,
Korolev plans three launches between 20 January and 14 February, but clearly his teams are not ready to accomplish this. There was insufficient testing of the Object V Venera spacecraft before it was shipped from OKB-1 to the cosmodrome. OKB-1 is trying to finish Object V on site, at the same time preparing the next Vostok 3KA and an R-9 ICBM for launch. Object V is not ready, the ability of its systems to function at long ranges and periods of time on the voyage to Venus are suspect. In Kamanin's opinion, it is diverting the crews from the higher priority manned and military projects.
1961 January 26 - .
- Venera delays - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Yangel.
Spacecraft Bus: 2MV.
Spacecraft: Mars 2MV-2.
The Object V launch is delayed to 1 February. Yangel has also had to postpone the next R-16 launch attempt to 26-30 January..
1961 January 31 - .
- Back at Tyuratam - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Keldysh,
Spacecraft Bus: 2MV.
Spacecraft: Mars 2MV-2.
Kamanin flies to the cosmodrome with Korolev, Keldysh, Moskalenko, General Semenov, and others. Yangel's R-16 ICBM is not ready for launch yet due to continuing problems with the radio systems. The Venera is set for a 2 February launch attempt..
1961 February 1 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Molniya 8K78.
- Venera rolled out to pad - .
Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft Bus: 2MV.
Spacecraft: Mars 2MV-2.
The booster is 5 to 7 m taller than the Vostok. One gyroscope has to be replaced on the pad. Fuelling begins at 23:30. At 02:00 the launch is scrubbed due to continuing gyro problems. Next attempt is set for 4 February..
1962 September 12 - .
00:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Molniya 8K78.
FAILURE: At T+531 sec, the fourth vernier chamber of Stage 3's 8D715K engine exploded because the LOX cut-off valve had not closed as scheduled and LOX flowed into the hot chamber..
Failed Stage: U.
- Sputnik 21 - .
Payload: 2MV-2 s/n 1. Mass: 6,500 kg (14,300 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: RVSN.
Program: Venera.
Class: Venus.
Type: Venus probe. Spacecraft Bus: 2MV.
Spacecraft: Mars 2MV-2.
Decay Date: 1962-09-14 . USAF Sat Cat: 389 . COSPAR: 1962-A-Phi-1. Apogee: 218 km (135 mi). Perigee: 179 km (111 mi). Inclination: 64.90 deg. Period: 88.40 min. The escape stage entered parking orbit but the main engine cut off just 0.8 s after ignition due to cavitation in the oxidiser pump and pump failure..
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