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Soyuz 14
Part of Almaz

Salyut 3 in Shop
Salyut 3 in the shop before launch. Red plastic covers can be seen over the engine nozzles of the station orientation engines in the forward fuselage. The white fairing contains either the deployable whip antennae shown in drawings of the station or a primitive SLAR. The white fairing on the side is part of the cradle holding the station.
Credit: via Dietrich Haeseler
First military space station mission. Manned military reconnaissance of the earth's surface, assessing the fundamental value of such observations, and some supplemental medico-biological research.
AKA: Berkut (Golden Eagle). Launched: 1974-07-03. Returned: 1974-07-19. Number crew: 2 . Duration: 15.73 days.
On 4 July Soyuz 14 docked with the Salyut 3 space station after 15 revolutions of the earth. The planned experimental program included manned military reconnaissance of the earth's surface, assessing the fundamental value of such observations, and some supplemental medico-biological research. All objectives were successfully completed and the spacecraft was recovered on July 19, 1974 at 12:21 GMT, landing within 2 km of the aim point 140 km SE Dzhezkazgan. After the crew's return research continued in the development of the on-board systems and the principles of remote control of such a station.
More at: Soyuz 14.
Manned spaceflight.
Soyuz 7K-T/A9.
Launch Sites:
Photo Gallery
 | Almaz forward hatch Forward view of the Almaz. In the original design, the forward tunnel would have led to the aft hatch of the VA crew return capsule. The station was flown without this capsule, a Soyuz being used to shuttle them to the station and back to earth. In the OPS-2 design this hatch led to a forward airlock, with a second docking collar for either TKS or Soyuz ferries. Credit: © Mark Wade |
 | Salyut 3 on Pad The Salyut 3 station is protected with silver insulation blankets, which will be removed before launch. The large housing containing either the deployable whip antennae or the primitive SLAR is visible on the small-diameter section. Credit: via Dietrich Haeseler |
 | Salyut 3 on Pad The Salyut 3 station is protected with silver insulation blankets, which will be removed before launch. The large housing containing either the deployable whip antennae or the primitive SLAR is visible on the small-diameter section. Credit: via Dietrich Haeseler |
1974 July 3 - .
18:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Soyuz 11A511.
- Soyuz 14 - .
Call Sign: Berkut (Golden Eagle ). Crew: Artyukhin,
Backup Crew: Demin,
Support Crew: Rozhdestvensky,
Payload: Soyuz 7K-T(A9) s/n 62. Mass: 6,800 kg (14,900 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: MOM.
Program: Almaz.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spacecraft. Flight: Soyuz 14.
Spacecraft Bus: Soyuz.
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-T/A9.
Duration: 15.73 days. Decay Date: 1974-07-19 . USAF Sat Cat: 7361 . COSPAR: 1974-051A. Apogee: 217 km (134 mi). Perigee: 195 km (121 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 88.60 min.
On 4 July Soyuz 14 docked with the Salyut 3 space station after 15 revolutions of the earth. The planned experimental program included manned military reconnaissance of the earth's surface, assessing the fundamental value of such observations, and some supplemental medico-biological research. After the crew's return research continued in the development of the on-board systems and the principles of remote control of such a station.
1974 July 19 - .
- Landing of Soyuz 14 - .
Return Crew: Artyukhin,
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Artyukhin,
Program: Almaz.
Flight: Soyuz 14.
All objectives were successfully completed and the spacecraft was recovered at 12:21 GMT, landing within 2 km of the aim point 140 km SE of Dzkezkazgan..
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