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Credit: NASA
American earth geodetic satellite. Geodesy satellite operated by US Army, USA. Launched 1962 - 1965.

AKA: EGRS;SEV. Status: Operational 1962. First Launch: 1962-01-24. Last Launch: 1969-04-14. Number: 13 .

Geodetic SECOR (Sequential Collation of Range) was an all-weather geodetic survey system which was in operational use for over 3 years, establishing a global survey network. It used the successive positions of artificial satellites in space to determine locations on the earth's surface with exactness over long distances.

The spacecraft notably was used to precisely determine previously uncertain positions of islands in the Pacific. The system consisted of a satellite and 4 ground stations. 3 at geographical points where the co-ordinates had been surveyed accurately and the fourth at an unknown location. Radio waves were flashed from the ground stations to the satellite and returned. The position of the satellite at any time was fixed by the measured ranges from the 3 known stations. Using these precisely established satellite positions as a base, ranges from the satellite to the unknown station were used to compute the position of the unknown station. Geodetic SECOR allows continents and islands to be brought within the same geodetic global grid. Each ground station was entirely portable and contained 3 units: a radio frequency shelter, a data handling shelter and a storage shelter. Lighter weight, solid-state equipment was developed to replace the initial units. The satellite had a mass of 18 kg and contained a transponder, a telemetry system to monitor temperature and operating voltages, and a power unit comprised of solar panels and batteries. Prime Contractor was Cubic Corporation. Experiments with SECOR, together with the Navy's Timation, provided the technical basis for the GPS Navstar system.

More at: SECOR.


SECOR 1-13 / EGRS 1-13 Null

Family: Earth, Earth geodetic sat, Medium earth orbit. Country: USA. Launch Vehicles: Atlas, Thor, Delta, Scout, Thor Ablestar, Atlas SLV-3 Agena D, Thor Agena D, Thor SLV-2A Agena D, Thor SLV-2 Agena D, Scout B, Thorad SLV-2G Agena D, Thor Burner 2, Thor Burner. Launch Sites: Wallops Island, Cape Canaveral, Vandenberg, Cape Canaveral LC17B, Vandenberg SLC2E, Vandenberg SLC10W, Vandenberg SLC1E, Vandenberg SLC2W, Vandenberg SLC3E, Wallops Island LA3A, Vandenberg SLC4E. Agency: USN, Cubic, US Army. Bibliography: 2, 278, 279, 405, 6, 6860, 13080.
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Credit: Manufacturer Image

Credit: Manufacturer Image

1962 January 24 - . 09:30 GMT - . Launch Site: Cape Canaveral. Launch Complex: Cape Canaveral LC17B. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thor Ablestar. FAILURE: Failure.
1964 January 11 - . 20:07 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC1E. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thor SLV-2A Agena D.
1965 March 9 - . 18:29 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2W. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thor SLV-2 Agena D.
1965 March 11 - . 13:39 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2E. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thor Ablestar.
1965 April 3 - . 21:24 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC4E. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas SLV-3 Agena D.
1965 August 10 - . 17:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Wallops Island. Launch Complex: Wallops Island LA3A. LV Family: Scout. Launch Vehicle: Scout B.
1966 June 9 - . 20:10 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC3E. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas SLV-3 Agena D.
1966 August 19 - . 19:26 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC3E. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas SLV-3 Agena D.
1966 October 5 - . 22:00 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC3E. LV Family: Atlas. Launch Vehicle: Atlas SLV-3 Agena D.
1967 June 29 - . 21:01 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC10W. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thor Burner 2.
1968 May 18 - . 08:23 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2E. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thorad SLV-2G Agena D. FAILURE: Failure.
1969 April 14 - . 07:54 GMT - . Launch Site: Vandenberg. Launch Complex: Vandenberg SLC2E. LV Family: Thor. Launch Vehicle: Thorad SLV-2G Agena D.

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