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Soyuz 31
Part of Salyut
 Salyut 6 Detail Credit: © Mark Wade |
First German astronaut. Docked with Salyut 6. Mission to swap Soyuz lifeboats docked to station.
AKA: Salyut 6 EP-4;Yastreb (Hawk). Launched: 1978-08-26. Returned: 1978-09-03. Number crew: 2 . Duration: 7.87 days.
Delivered to the Salyut-6 station the third international 'Intercosmos' crew consisting of V F Bykovsky (USSR) and S Jaehn (German Democratic Republic) to carry out scientific research and experiments. Jaehn's program focused on materials sciences, Earth observations, and life sciences. The crew returned aboard Soyuz 29, leaving the EO-2 crew with Soyuz 31 as a fresh Soyuz lifeboat.
More at: Soyuz 31.
Manned spaceflight.
Salyut 6.
1978 August 26 - .
14:51 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Baikonur LC1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Soyuz 31 - .
Call Sign: Yastreb (Hawk ). Crew: Bykovsky,
Backup Crew: Gorbatko,
Payload: Soyuz 7K-T s/n 47. Mass: 6,800 kg (14,900 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: MOM.
Program: Salyut 6.
Class: Manned.
Type: Manned spacecraft. Flight: Soyuz 29,
Soyuz 31.
Spacecraft Bus: Soyuz.
Spacecraft: Soyuz 7K-T.
Duration: 67.84 days. Decay Date: 1978-11-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 11010 . COSPAR: 1978-081A. Apogee: 243 km (150 mi). Perigee: 193 km (119 mi). Inclination: 51.60 deg. Period: 88.80 min. Manned two crew. Docked with Salyut 6. Delivered to the Salyut-6 station the third international 'Intercosmos' crew consisting of V F Bykovsky (USSR) and S Jaehn (German Democratic Republic) to carry out scientific research and experiments..
1978 September 3 - .
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