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Kuznetsov, Viktor Ivanovich
 Kuznetsov Viktor |
Russian engineer. Chief Designer 1946-1989 of Nll-10 and NII-44. Specialized in missile and spaceship gyroscopes.
Born: 1913-04-27. Died: 1991-03-22.
1913 April 27 - .
- Birth of Viktor Ivanovich Kuznetsov - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Kuznetsov, Viktor.
Russian engineer. Chief Designer 1946-1989 of Nll-10 and NII-44. Specialised in missile and spaceship gyroscopes..
1969 December 6 - .
- The DOS Conspiracy in the open - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Afanasyev, Sergei,
Kuznetsov, Viktor,
Program: Almaz,
Spacecraft: Almaz OPS,
Salyut 1,
Soyuz 7K-S,
Soyuz 7KT-OK.
Afanasyev met with the Chief Designers - Pilyugin, Ryazanskiy, V Kuznetsov, and Chelomei's Deputy, Eydis. Mishin was 'sick' and Chelomei had sent his deputy, as usual, to avoid having to meet Mishin. Afanasyev started with the demand that an Almaz flight take place within less than two years, before the end of the Eighth Five Year Plan. He asked Eydis to install an Igla passive docking system to permit docking with the station of the existing Soyuz 7K-OK as opposed to the planned 7K-S. If Chelomei's bureau could not meet this requirement, then the 'conspirator's' DOS project could be authorised in its place. Additional Details: here....
1991 March 22 - .
- Death of Viktor Ivanovich Kuznetsov - .
Nation: Russia.
Related Persons: Kuznetsov, Viktor.
Russian engineer. Chief Designer 1946-1989 of Nll-10 and NII-44. Specialised in missile and spaceship gyroscopes..
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