first Belarussian communications satellite. The satellite was a Chinese-built DFH-4 with a mass of 5200 kg, and it rode a Chinese CZ-3B to geotransfer orbit. Belintersat was a state-sponsored private company and will provide services to Belarus and central Europe.
First satellite in the FY-4 series, placed in a geotransfer orbit. China's FY-1 and newer FY-3 series were polar orbiting weather satellites comparable to the NOAA polar series, while the FY-2 constellation, to be superseded by the FY-4 system, consistd of geostationary satellites like NOAA's GOES. FY-4 No. 1 carried a 0.5 km resolution imager, a 913-channel IR sounder, a lightning mapping imager, and a space environment package.