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Mercury MR-6
Part of Mercury
 Mercury Credit: Manufacturer Image |
Planned Mercury suborbital flight. Cancelled July 1961; delays in Redstone flights meant Atlas orbital flights were imminent.
Launched: 1961 Autumn. Number crew: 1 .
Slayton would probably have flown the fourth manned suborbital Mercury. But after the Russians began orbiting cosmonauts, NASA cancelled further suborbital flights. The MR-6 mission was cancelled by NASA administrator James Webb at the beginning of July, 1961.
1961 July 13 - .
- Mercury MR-6 booster was static tested - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: Mercury MR-6.
Spacecraft: Mercury.
The Redstone launch vehicle designated for the Mercury-Redstone 6 (MR-6) mission was static tested at the Marshall Space Flight Center to ensure satisfactory operation of the turbopump assembly..
1961 July 13 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Redstone MRLV.
- Mercury MR-6 static engine test - .
Nation: USA.
Flight: Mercury MR-6.
Spacecraft: Mercury.
Mercury-Redstone 6 was static tested for 30 seconds at Marshall Space Flight Center to ensure satisfactory operation of the turbopump assembly..
1961 Autumn - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Redstone MRLV.
- Mercury MR-6 (cancelled) - .
Crew: Slayton.
Payload: Mercury SC16. Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Slayton,
Flight: Mercury MR-6.
Spacecraft: Mercury.
After the Russians began orbiting cosmonauts, NASA cancelled further suborbital flights. The MR-6 mission was cancelled by NASA administrator James Webb at the beginning of July, 1961..
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