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Part of DS
 DS-U1-IK-1 Credit: Yuzhnoye |
Ukrainian earth ionosphere satellite. Studies ionosphere of the earth; version used for Intercosmos international launches.
Status: Operational 1969. First Launch: 1969-12-25. Last Launch: 1972-11-30. Number: 2 . Gross mass: 330 kg (720 lb).
Design work began in April 1967. Adaptation of DS satellites by KB Yuzhnoye. For the Interkosmos modifications V F Chutkin was Chief Designer and First Assistant was V S Budnik. Investigation of the characteristics of the earth's ionosphere and of concentrations of electrons and positive ions.
More at: Interkosmos-2.
Ionosphere sat.
Launch Vehicles:
Kosmos 2,
Kosmos 11K63.
Launch Sites:
Kapustin Yar,
Plesetsk LC133/1,
Kapustin Yar LC86/4.
Photo Gallery
 | Intercosmos 2 Credit: Manufacturer Image |
1965 April 15 - .
- Interkosmos program authorised. - .
Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft Bus: DS.
Spacecraft: DS-U1-IK.
Central Committee of the Communist Party and Council of Soviet Ministers Decree 'On Co-operation of the USSR and Socialist Countries in the Sphere of Research and Use of Space-international co-operation' was issued..
1967 April - .
- Design work begins on Interkosmos version of DS - .
Nation: Russia.
Spacecraft: DS-U1-IK,
For the Interkosmos modifications V F Chutkin was Chief Designer and First Assistant was V S Budnik. East European experiments studied protons, electrons, alpha particles..
1969 December 25 - .
09:59 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Kapustin Yar.
Launch Complex:
Kapustin Yar LC86/4.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K63.
- Intercosmos 2 - .
Payload: DS-U1-IK s/n 1. Mass: 320 kg (700 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: IK.
Program: DS.
Class: Earth.
Type: Ionosphere satellite. Spacecraft Bus: DS.
Spacecraft: DS-U1-IK.
Completed Operations Date: 1970-02-12 . Decay Date: 1970-06-07 . USAF Sat Cat: 4285 . COSPAR: 1969-110A. Apogee: 1,178 km (731 mi). Perigee: 200 km (120 mi). Inclination: 48.40 deg. Period: 98.50 min. East European instruments carried to determine the characteristics of the earth's ionosphere and the concentrations of electrons and positive ions..
1972 November 30 - .
21:49 GMT - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Plesetsk LC133/1.
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
Kosmos 11K63.
- Intercosmos 8 - .
Payload: DS-U1-IK s/n 2. Mass: 340 kg (740 lb). Nation: Russia.
Agency: IK.
Program: DS.
Class: Earth.
Type: Ionosphere satellite. Spacecraft Bus: DS.
Spacecraft: DS-U1-IK.
Completed Operations Date: 1973-02-01 . Decay Date: 1973-03-02 . USAF Sat Cat: 6291 . COSPAR: 1972-094A. Apogee: 645 km (400 mi). Perigee: 203 km (126 mi). Inclination: 71.00 deg. Period: 93.10 min. Continued joint investigation of the characteristics of the earth's ionosphere and recording of electron and proton fluxes..
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