Status: Study 1992. Gross mass: 45,000 kg (99,000 lb). Height: 16.00 m (52.00 ft). Diameter: 4.50 m (14.70 ft).
The large size of the rover was designed to allow a majority of the exploration to be conducted without leaving the rover, thus minimizing the dust issue.
This large mass in a single launch vehicle would require something at least twice as large as a Saturn V. The Mega Rover was 16 m long, 4.5 m wide, and 10 m high. It consisted of a large pressurized module containing about 650 m3 of internal volume. A power trailer was pulled behind the rover, providing electricity to drive four wheels of 2.5 m diameter. A diving bell style airlock provided access to the surface for a crew of six that would conduct traverses of up to several thousand kilometers.
Crew Size: 6.