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Hilburn, Earl D
 Hilburn Credit: NASA |
American engineer. At NASA 1963-1966, in charge of industrial affairs. Later President of Western Union.
Born: 1920-04-16. Died: 1989-01-10.
Earl D. Hilburn was trained in physics and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin and worked for more than twenty years in the electronics and aerospace industry before accepting a position at NASA in 1963 as Deputy Associate Administrator. In that post he was responsible for industry affairs, and helped maintain liaison with the far-flung corporations involved in the production of NASA space hardware. In 1966 he left NASA and became president of Western Union.
1920 April 16 - .
- Birth of Earl D Hilburn - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Hilburn.
American engineer. At NASA 1963-1966, in charge of industrial affairs. Later President of Western Union..
1989 January 10 - .
- Death of Earl D Hilburn - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Hilburn.
American engineer. At NASA 1963-1966, in charge of industrial affairs. Later President of Western Union..
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