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Bringer, Karl-Heinz
 Bringer |
German engineer. Developer of the Viking engine and propulsion leader of the German Rocket Team in France after WW2.
Born: 1908-06-16. Died: 1999-01-02. Birth Place: Elstertrebnitz.
German propulsion engineer, among thirty other engineers who accepted contracts in France after World War II. Bringer headed the engine group at LRBA and was instrumental in the transfer of V-2 and Wasserfall engine technology to France. Under Bringer's leadership, France developed storable liquid propellant motors, beginning with the 4 metric ton thrust motor of the Veronique, then the Vexin motor for the Diamant satellite launcher, and culminating in the Viking main engines for the Ariane European launcher. He retired in 1973, having developed for Europe the motors powering an independent space launch capability. He worked as a consultant from 1973 to 1976 for SEP.
1908 June 16 - .
- Birth of Karl-Heinz Bringer - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Bringer.
German engineer. Developer of the Viking engine and propulsion leader of the German Rocket Team in France after WW2..
1999 January 2 - .
- Death of Karl-Heinz Bringer - .
Nation: France,
Related Persons: Bringer.
German engineer. Developer of the Viking engine and propulsion leader of the German Rocket Team in France after WW2..
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