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Yamal launch vehicle
Part of R-7

Credit: USAF Phillips Laboratory
Version of the Soyuz proposed with an Ariane 4 or Russian LOx/LH2 upper stage.
AKA: Yamal. Status: Study 1997. Payload: 3,900 kg (8,500 lb).
In order to achieve a payload double that of the current vehicle, it would seem a high-energy Lox/LH2 upper stage would be needed. Such an improvement was proposed as far back as July 1962 (the Molniya 8K78L) but never developed. The version with the Ariane 4 upper stage would be capable of putting 3900 kg into geosynchronous transfer orbit when launched from Kourou.
Payload: 3,900 kg (8,500 lb) to a GTO, 1 deg.
orbital launch vehicle.
Korolev bureau.
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