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Wexler, Harry
 Wexler Credit: NASA |
American meteorologist, at US Weather Bureau 1934-1961. One of the first scientists to envision using satellites for meteorological purposes and known as the father of the Tiros satellite.
Born: 1911. Died: 1962-01-01.
Wexler graduated with a from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1939. worked for the U.S. Weather Bureau from 1934 until his death. He was one of the first scientists to envision using satellites for meteorological purposes and was known as the father of the Tiros satellite. From 1955-1958, he was also the chief scientist for the U.S. expedition to Antarctica for the International Geophysical Year. In 1961, he was a lead negotiator for the U.S. in drafting plans for joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. use of meteorological satellites. He received a Ph.D. in meteorology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1939.
1962 January 1 - .
- Death of Harry Wexler. - .
Related Persons: Wexler.
American meteorologist, at US Weather Bureau 1934-1961. One of the first scientists to envision using satellites for meteorological purposes and known as the father of the Tiros satellite..
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