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Wakelin, James H
 Wakelin Credit: NASA |
American manager, assistant secretary of the Navy (research and development) 1959-1964.
Born: 1911-05-06. Died: 1990-12-21.
James H. Wakelin, Jr. was assistant secretary of the Navy (research and development) from 1959-1964. He had previously served in various capacities as a research director and administrator and later became president and chairman of the board of Research Analysis Corp.
1911 May 6 - .
- Birth of James H Wakelin - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Wakelin.
American manager, assistant secretary of the Navy (research and development) 1959-1964..
1990 December 21 - .
- Death of James H Wakelin at Washington, District Of Columbia, DC. - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Wakelin.
American manager, assistant secretary of the Navy (research and development) 1959-1964..
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