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First significant cruise missile. German engineer, Paul Schmidt, working from the design of the Lorin tube, developed and patented a pulsed ramjet engine later modified and used in the V-1 Flying Bomb. After World War II the design was copied and further developed in both the United States and Soviet Union. But in both countries it was quickly superseded by higher performing missiles using turbojets.
AKA: Vergeltungswaffen-1. Status: Retired 1945.
 | 10Kh Chelomei developed a series of cruise missiles derived from the German V-1 1944-1952, testing air-, fixed catapult, and vehicle-launched versions. None reached production. |
 | Loon American short range cruise missile, a copy of the German V-1 (Fieseler Fi 103). |
| CT.10 French short range cruise missile. French post-war surface-to-surface cruise missile based on the German V-1. |
| Kh-101 Russian air-to-surface missile. Chelomei mobile-launched version of V-1 |
| Kh-102 Russian air-to-surface missile. Chelomei mobile-launched version of V-1 |
 | 10KhN Alternate designation for [10Kh]. |
short range cruise.
Launch Sites:
June 1932 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-1 engine concept patented. - .
Nation: Germany.
Related Persons: Schmidt, Paul.
German engineer, Paul Schmidt, working from design of Lorin tube, developed and patented a ramjet engine later modified and used in the V-1 Flying Bomb. The concept of the world's first jet-powered cruise missile was originated by Flight Staff Engineer Bree. The pulse engine was based on a French patent dating to the 1890's. The engine, which operated by creating 500 fuel-air explosions per minute, was designed for a specific operational altitude. The guidance system consisted of propellor in the nose. When this had turned a preset number of times (corresponding to the desired range to the target), the counter pushed the missile's rudder hard over, resulting on a dive to the ground. A V-1 could be produced for one tenth of the cost of a V-2.
October 1943 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- German 'ski ramps' - .
Nation: Germany.
British photo-intelligence interpreters discover what they call 'ski ramps' along the Atlantic coast of occupied Europe. These are 100 m long, and a total of 21 are discovered by mid-November. It is soon noted that whatever their location, all of the ramps point toward London. Fantastic theories are proposed - they are iceberg or poison gas launchers.
1943 December 3 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Decision to destroy the ski ramps - .
Nation: Germany.
Although their purpose is not understood, it is decided to start a bombing campaign to destroy the German 'ski ramps'. By December 1, 64 had been found, and 75 by 21 December..
1943 December 25 - .
Launch Site:
Launch Complex:
Launch Vehicle:
- Raid against V-1 launchers - .
Nation: Germany.
A raid is launched by Allied 1300 aircraft. The tactics have been developed at Eglin AFB, Florida, where a replica 'ski ramp' was built in an effort to understand its purpose and how best to bomb it..
1944 June 1 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Manned V-1 test flights. - .
Nation: Germany.
Geman "Reichenberg" program began for use of manned V-1's air launched from He-111's for suicide missions..
1944 June 13 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- V-1 first attacks. - .
Nation: Germany.
The first German V-1's fired in anger, launched from France against England with 4 of the 11 striking London..
1945 January 18 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
- Soviet Union begins development of copy of the V-1 missile. - .
Nation: Russia.
People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry Decree 7350 'On tasking OKB-51 to develop a copy of the Fi-103 missile' was issued..
1946 January 7 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Loon first launch. - .
Nation: USA.
First missile launched at Naval Air Facility, Point Mugu, Calif., a KVW-1 Loon, USN name for AAF robot bomb (JB-2) modeled on the German V-1. The inert Loon was launched from an XM-1 launcher, a split-tube catapult with seven sequentially fired powder chambers.
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