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Rogers, William P
 Rogers William Credit: NASA |
American politician, chair of the presidentially-mandated blue ribbon commission investigating the Challenger accident in January 1986
Born: 1913. Died: 2001-01-02.
It found that the failure had resulted from a poor engineering decision, an O-ring used to seal joints in the Solid Rocket Booster that was susceptible to failure at low temperatures, introduced innocently-enough years earlier. Rogers kept the commission's analysis on that technical level, and documented the problems in exceptional detail. The commission, after some prodding by Nobel Prize-winning scientist Richard P. Feynman, did a credible job of grappling with the technologically difficult issues associated with the accident.
2001 January 2 - .
- Death of William P Rogers. - .
Related Persons: Rogers, William.
American politician, chair of the presidentially-mandated blue ribbon commission investigating the Challenger accident in January 1986.
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