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 LOTRAN Credit: NASA |
American manned lunar rover. Study 1989. The LOTRAN (LOcal TRANsportation) two-crew rover was the unpressurized lunar rover intended for local base operations in NASA's 90-Day-Study moon base concept of 1989.
Status: Study 1989.
LOTRAN would be delivered on the first unmanned cargo missions before the first manned landing. It could carry two astronauts wearing spacesuits plus 850 kg of payload or two additional crewmembers depending on the mission. LOTRAN was designed for a range of 100 km and a maximum speed of 15 km/hr on a paved surface. The vehicle could also be operated in an unmanned mode for rescue operations. An unpressurized lunar hangar would be used for assembling and maintaining equipment and vehicles such as MOSAP and LOTRAN.
Lunar Rovers.
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