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Lockheed EEOED
Part of Rescue
 Lockheed EEOED Lockheed Emergency Earth Orbital Escape Device - 3 crew |
American manned rescue spacecraft. Study 1966. Lockheed's EEOED was a three-crew Discovery-type re-entry vehicle.
AKA: Emergency Earth Orbital Escape Device. Status: Study 1966. Gross mass: 1,240 kg (2,730 lb). Height: 3.70 m (12.10 ft). Span: 2.90 m (9.50 ft).
Unlike other concepts, it was equipped with a wide 1 m diameter hatch and provided a pressurized shirt-sleeve environment for the three crew. New lightweight heat shield technologies would, it was claimed, make possible a total mass for three crew less than that of the original one-crew Mercury capsule. Mass per crew: 413 kg.
Crew Size: 3.
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