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Post War Sat LVs
Credit: © Mark Wade
American orbital launch vehicle. Significant Navy program begun in 1946 to develop a single-stage-to-orbit satellite launch vehicle. The Air Force blocked Navy efforts to develop it on a joint basis, while at the same time having no interest in the project itself. Work was abandoned at the end of 1948.
Status: Cancelled 1948.
 | Douglas HATV American orbital launch vehicle. The Douglas HATV design of 1946 was laid out by the Douglas engineer William Ballhaus. He proved that there were no obstacles to a single-stage-to-orbit space launch vehicle, as long as pressurized 'metal balloon' tanks were used instead of using aircraft-structure design approaches. |
 | Martin HATV American orbital launch vehicle. The Martin HATV 1946 design used a single Aerojet engine of unconventional design to achieve single-stage-to-orbit performance. |
 | NAA HATV North American's HATV proposal was an ogival single-stage-to-orbit vehicle, with tanks made from 18-8 stainless steel. In common with other HATV designs, the tanks had to be pressurized to maintain rigidity. |
 | World Circling Space Ship American orbital launch vehicle. Rand study of 1946-1947, in response to the Navy HATV, for a three-stage satellite launcher to be in use by 1952. Development funding was not forthcoming. |
orbital launch vehicle,
Pre-Sputnik Designs.
Photo Gallery
 | RAND Ship SSTO |
 | Rand Ship on Pad |
1946 March 19 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
World Circling Space Ship.
- Project RAND - .
Nation: USA.
The Army Air Forces established Project RAND, which in part included the study of satellite applications..
1946 May 8 - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Navy preliminary investigations of earth satellite vehicles. - .
Nation: USA.
The Chief of Naval Operations directed the Navy's Bureau of Aeronautics to make preliminary investigations in the field of earth satellite vehicles..
1946 May 12 - .
LV Family:
Launch Vehicle:
World Circling Space Ship.
- Preliminary Design of an Experimental World Circling Space Ship - .
Nation: USA.
Project RAND filed a report entitled 'Preliminary Design of an Experimental World Circling Space Ship,' which indicated the technical feasibility of building and launching an artificial satellite..
1947 October - .
Launch Vehicle:
- Competing study contracts on satellites. - .
Nation: USA.
Due to the number of competing study contracts on satellites that were being submitted, the Department of Defense assigned responsibility to coordinate this work to the Committee on Guided Missiles of the Research and Development Board..
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