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Greenewalt, Crawford H
 Greenewalt Credit: NASA |
American businessman. President of DuPont from 1948. Chaired committee in 1959-1960 that established national space objectives for NASA (which did not include any short-term ambitious manned programs).
Born: 1902-08-16. Died: 1993-09-27.
Crawford H. Greenewalt had been president of E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. since 1948 and had been with the company in a series of positions since 1922. The Greenewalt committee, appointed by Glennan to advise him on the goals of the NASA space program and consisting of ten members including Greenewalt, convened in late 1959 and continued into 1960 to explore and identify the national objectives to be served by a program of non- military space activities and in particular to examine the significance of competition with the Soviet Union in that arena. The committee de-emphasized the issue of pre-eminence in space.
1902 August 16 - .
- Birth of Crawford H Greenewalt - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Greenewalt.
American businessman. President of duPont from 1948. Chaired committee in 1959-1960 that established national space objectives for NASA (which did not include any short-term ambitious manned programs)..
1993 September 27 - .
- Death of Crawford H Greenewalt - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Greenewalt.
American businessman. President of duPont from 1948. Chaired committee in 1959-1960 that established national space objectives for NASA (which did not include any short-term ambitious manned programs)..
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