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Barclay, John A
 Barclay Credit: NASA |
American officer. Commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency from 1958
Born: 1909-08-27. Died: 1983-05-01.
John A. Barclay became commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency on 31 March 1958 after serving as deputy commander since 1 May 1956 under the more famous John B. Medaris. Barclay had been promoted to the rank of brigadier general on 29 September 1955 after a career in the field artillery and ordnance that included command of Picatinny Arsenal from 1954 to 1956.
US Army.
1909 August 27 - .
- Birth of John A Barclay - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Barclay.
American officer. Commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency from 1958.
1983 May 1 - .
- Death of John A Barclay - .
Nation: USA.
Related Persons: Barclay.
American officer. Commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency from 1958.
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