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Andropov, Dmitri Grigoryevich
Russian officer. Chief of the Directorate for the Main Direction of Forces of NKS Space Forces from 1987 to 1989.

Born: 1932.

Completed middle school in Gorkiy in 1948. Educated at the Dzerzhinsky Military Academy in 1953-1955. In 1960 named as Senior Engineer for the Third Directorate of GURVO (Main Directorate of the Rocket Forces responsible for Baikonur and Plesetsk operations). Throughout his career he was involved in development and operations of various KIK central tracking centers; sat on numerous state commissions supervising development of satellites; and finally handled international space collaboration with India, leading to the launch of the Indian IRS-1 satellite. Retired in 1989.

Country: Russia. Agency: RVSN. Bibliography: 475.

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