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Alekseyev, Eduard Viktorovich
Russian officer. Chief of 50 TsNII KS (50th Central Scientific Research Institute for Space Systems of the Space Forces) from 1988 to 1992.

Born: 1935.

Major General, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor. Graduated from Moscow Energy Institute in 1953, then entered the Dzerzhinsky Artillery Academy and studied rocket engines. He completed this course of instruction in 1954 and entered the PVO Air Defense Forces, serving in antiaircraft artillery regiments. In 1956 he was named Deputy Chief of the 4 NII MO military research institute, in charge of space tracking systems. He continued in this position when 4 NIIP MO was made integrated into 50 TsNII KS in 1973. In this role he was responsible for much scientific and military tactical space research. Specialized in trajectory measurement systems. Worked on development of the Buran space shuttle trajectory, and on space operations plans. After retirement in 1993, he was Chief Scientific Adviser to 50-TsNII-KS.

Country: Russia. Agency: RVSN. Bibliography: 475.

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