High Flight A favorite poem of aviators and astronauts. |
As The Sun Sets Poem: as the sun sets, the mourners, hoarse,... |
Beginning of A Beginning Poem: Syr Dar'ya, ancient river that flows down to the Aral river that flows up to the sky.... |
Fast Track Poem Poem: the visionary with a slide-rule named you: Silbervogel... |
First Light Poem: At the mountain's top, I reach up,... |
From an Astronaut's Spouse Poem: I could have sought by wit or wile... |
Joy of Flying Poem: Turbines roar, their rush surges through us... |
Now To Begin Poem: here, no angels sing, nor winged cherubim, nor seraphim that hover over a god's throne... |
Pearl and Rogue Go For a Ride Poem: Dec 21st 1960 A clear night illuminated by the moon.... |
Playing with Fire Poem: Remember silos of sentinels?... |
Sergei Korolov House, Moscow Poem: in the garden of the spacecraft designer, nightingales fly to his trees.... |
Ship's Log 0000 01 JAN 2001 Poem: We sail onboard space station "Alpha"... |
Shuttle (poem) Poem: these are the laws of physics, immutable as those of Medes & Persians:... |
Suiting Up Poem: My name is James McDivitt... |
The Ballad of Dan McCann Poem: Rockets shake the earth, the needle rises... |
The Celestial Empire Poem: the Great Ocean, two shores, two realms... |
The Navigators Poem: Give the museum your hourglass... |
The Stars My Destination Poem: Gully Foyle is my name... |
The Titanium Monument Poem: On a sun-singed steppe, Sergei stood, said -... |
The Woman from the Krasny Perekop Textile Mill Poem: traditionalists always fear women who fly... |
We Chose Death Poem: The moon above... |
When I was a kid, Poem: When I was a kid, we had 9 planets... |
Zero-G and I'm Feeling Fine Poem: Floating and floating... |