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Part of R-39
Russian submarine-launched ballistic missile, developed for launch from new Borey-class submarines. Intended successor of the R-39. Cancelled in 1998, after three test launch failures, in favor of Bulava missile from Nadiradize design bureau.

AKA: 3M91;D-19UTH Bark;RSM-52V;SS-N-28. Date: 1997-1998. Gross mass: 34,000 kg (74,000 lb).

The missile was to have under 40% of the launch mass of the R-39, while having longer range, using improved solid propellants and new, smaller warheads. The first two failures were due to the cold launch system and instrumentation. It has been stated that the test series was limited to three firings due to funding limitations, and that the decision to proceed with the Bulava system was made on a political basis.

Maximum range: 11,000 km (6,820 mi).

Family: submarine-launched. Country: Russia. Agency: Makeyev bureau.

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