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 P-100 Credit: © Mark Wade |
Russian intercontinental cruise missile. Family of sea- or silo- launched Mach 3.5 cruise missiles with ranges up to intercontinental distances.
Status: Cancelled 1961. Gross mass: 60,000 kg (132,000 lb). Height: 32.00 m (104.00 ft). Diameter: 2.50 m (8.20 ft). Span: 2.50 m (8.20 ft). Apogee: 30 km (18 mi).
The P-100 was Beriev's entry in the long-range cruise missile competition at the beginning of the 1960's. Work on the draft project began in 1961. The concept was a single ramjet-powered missile that could be adapted for launch from fixed silos, aircraft, surface ships, and submarines. The project had a scheduled completion of 1965 but was cancelled at the study stage.
Variants considered included:
- Attack version for launch by the specially designed UDD (long range strike boat) design of TsKB-17 or hardened (40 kgf/sq cm) silos. 14 metric ton mass, with launch by 4 solid motors, each 8 m long x 0.8 to 1.0 m in diameter. Range 150 to 2000 km, cruise at 25 to 30 km altitude at 3500-4000 km/hr. Length 11.4 m, diameter 1.24 m, wingspan 2.3 m.
- Reconnaissance version for launch from UDD strike boat or hardened silos. 20 metric ton mass, with launch by 4 solid motors. Range 2500 km, cruise at 25 to 30 km altitude at 3500-4000 km/hr. Length 12.0 m, diameter 1.3 m, wingspan 3.4 m.
- Silo-launched intercontinental cruise missile variant. This would use a huge booster stage, similar to the German A9/A10 concept. The thermonuclear warhead would be delivered using inertial/stellar guidance by NII-17 GKRE. and the missile would achieve 6000 km range, cruising at 25 to 50 km at 3500-4000 km/hr. The booster would have been 20 m long, 2.5 m in diameter, with a total mass of 40 metric tons. The cruise stage would have been a 20 metric ton version of the basic missile.
Maximum range: 6,000 km (3,700 mi). Number Standard Warheads: 1. Boost Propulsion: Storable liquid rocket. Maximum speed: 4,000 kph (2,400 mph).
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