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Part of Osa
Russian surface-to-air missile. Development of the basic Osa system to provide a short-range surface-to-air missile for larger ships.

AKA: 4K33;9M33M;Gecko;SA-N-4. Status: Operational 1967. Payload: 15 kg (33 lb). Gross mass: 126 kg (277 lb). Height: 3.16 m (10.36 ft). Diameter: 0.21 m (0.68 ft). Span: 0.64 m (2.09 ft).

The problems of a shipboard installation for the Osa system proved less difficult than that for the army's mobile version. In 1963 all three launcher systems in development at TsKB-34 were in trouble, and the naval project was handed over to TsKB-7 for completion. This was for the Osa-M system, for which TsKB-7 developed the ZIF-122 launcher, capable of handling the heavy 9M33 missile. TsKB-7 began work on the troubled project in 1964. Although the state trials schedule was slipped nearly four years, in the third quarter of 1967 Osa-M trials were finally completed successfully. The system was accepted by the VMF for production. It would be another four years before the Army's version went into production.


The 4R33 Baza Pop Group radar has a target acquisition range of 30 km in the H band, and conducts target tracking in the J band to a range of 20 km. Maximum speed: 2160km/hr. 60 m minimum altitude.

Country: Russia. Agency: Altair/Grushin.

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