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American manufacturer of rockets and spacecraft. Northrop, USA.

AKA: Northrop Grumman.

Country: USA. Spacecraft: MX-324, XP-79, Lombard Suit, Northrop Project 7969, M2-F2, Apollo ULS, Northrop LSS Lunar Rover RV-1, Northrop LSS Lunar Rover RV3 RV4, Northrop LSS Lunar Rover RV5, Northrop LSS Lunar Rover RV7, Northrop LSS Lunar Rover RV8, Northrop LSS Lunar Rover RV-1A, Northrop Molab, Northrop ALSS Rover, OV2, Apollo Experiments Pallet, M2-F3, HL-10, Northrop LBEC, CEV Northrop. Launch Vehicles: MX-775, Snark, Boojum.

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