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Part of Rescue
 GE MOSES General Electric Manned Orbiting Shuttle Escape System proposed for use with the shuttle in the 1970's. |
American manned rescue spacecraft. Study 1975. The General Electric MOSES space rescue concept of the early 1980's took advantage of large re-entry capsules already developed for classified US military projects.
AKA: Manned Orbiting Shuttle Escape System. Status: Study 1975. Gross mass: 730 kg (1,600 lb). Height: 2.70 m (8.80 ft). Span: 2.70 m (8.80 ft).
730 kg (one crew), 1300 kg (two crew), or 2320 kg (four crew) versions were possible. The capsules themselves were Discoverer-type blunt bodies, but much larger than those known to be used to recover film from Keyhole satellites. Space suits would be required, but otherwise all internal systems were 'off the shelf'..... Mass per crew: 580 kg to 720 kg.
Crew Size: 1. Habitable Volume: 2.00 m3.
Space station orbit.
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