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Underway: Week 4 of Increment 17. From the US voluntary 'job jar' task list, after wakeup and before breakfast, FE-2 Reisman downloaded the SLEEP (Sleep-Wake Actigraphy & Light Exposure during Spaceflight) experiment data from his Actiwatch to the HRF-1 (Human Research Facility 1) laptop. (To monitor his sleep/wake patterns and light exposure, Garrett wears a special Actiwatch device which measures the light levels encountered by him as well as his patterns of sleep and activity throughout this week, for the last time. The log entries are done within 15 minutes of final awakening for seven consecutive days.)
CDR Volkov and FE-1 Kononenko set up the hardware for and tagged up with ground specialists in preparation of their first onboard 'Profilaktika' (MBI-8, 'Countermeasures') preventive health maintenance fitness test, scheduled to start tomorrow on the VELO cycle and running through Wednesday. Activities included a test gas analysis of exhaled air and a health check of the Cardiocassette (KK-2000). (Test procedure for MBI-8, which requires workouts on the VELO and TVIS, is identical to the Russian MO-5 assessment, but in addition to the nominal procedure it uses the TEEM-100M gas analyzer with breathing mask, a blood lactate test with the ACCUSPORT analyzer and REFLOTRON-4 accessories, and a subjective evaluation of physical exertion levels during the test (using the Borg Perceived Exertion Scale, viz., 10 steps from very light over hard and very hard to maximum). Results are entered on a log sheet. TEEM and ECG (electrocardiograph) data are transferred to the RSE-Med Laptop, also on a tape cassette (KK-2000), and prepared for later downlink via Regul-Packet comm. Results are also called down to specialists standing by at TsUP.) After turning on ventilation fans in the JPL (Japanese Experiment Module Experiment Logistics Module Pressurized Section), in case of CO2 pockets, the FE-2 took situational photography of current stowage arrangements in the module, such as hard dummy panels, JTVE (JEM Television Equipment) booms, jettison stowage bags, etc. Afterwards, Reisman performed the periodic JLP status & shell temperature check from the MKAM (Minimum Keep-Alive Monitor) panel and calldown of the temperatures via S-band. Later, the fans were deactivated again. After configuring the PFE-OUM (Periodic Fitness Evaluation - Oxygen Uptake Measurement) equipment at the HRF-2 (Human Research Facility 2) rack, Reisman conducted his second PFE-OUM session on the CEVIS (Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation) while wearing an HRM (Heart Rate Monitor), with Sergey Volkov as operator to obtain measurements of the subject. (The equipment includes the HRF PFM/PAM (Pulmonary Function Module/Photoacoustic Analyzer Module), Mixing Bag System and GDS (Gas Delivery System). After calibration of the DPFM (Differential Pressure Flowmeter), Garrett, assisted by Sergey, worked through the protocol, changing the loads on the ergometer and recording data. Later, the FE-2 updated the evaluation protocol, deactivated & stowed the gear, and powered down the PFE-OUM laptop. Purpose of PFE-OUM is to measure aerobic capacity during exercise within 14 days after arrival on ISS, and once monthly during routine PFEs. The data allows exercise physiologists & flight doctors to assess the crew's health & fitness and to provide data for modifying & updating crew-specific exercise regimes. By hooking up a special cable, continuous oxygen uptake measurements can now be taken while riding the CEVIS without requiring access to the CEVIS control panel as before. PFE-OUM is a collaborative effort between NASA and ESA (European Space Agency).) Kononenko & Volkov continued the transfer & installation in the FGB of the new stowage enclosures delivered by the ATV1 (Automated Transfer Vehicle 1), which were built in Russia to provide more efficient stowage spaces behind FGB panels and improve airflow/circulation. (Oleg transferred the components for one container and installed it in FGB zone 36 (behind panels 114-155), while Sergey later equipped FGB zones 31 (panel 420) and 32 (panel 422) with enclosures.) Preparatory to the planned troubleshooting of the ATU-6 (Audio Terminal Unit #6), scheduled tomorrow, Reisman installed pivot pin fittings in the Airlock Avionics rack, required to allow rack rotation away from the hull for ATU access. (ATU-6 has not performed satisfactorily despite repeated troubleshooting attempts dating back several months. ATU-6 was installed by Clay Anderson on 10/11/07 in place of a failed unit, and the failed ATU-6 was returned on 10A. The new ATU-6 has been experiencing periodic lockups and PBIT (passive built-in test) faults. Of the three ATUs in the A/L, at least one must be functional for EVAs so long as the suited EVA crew has established UHF (Ultra High Frequency) radio communication.) Volkov & Reisman took their second CHeCS emergency medical operations OBT (On-Board Training) drill, a 30-min. exercise to refresh their CMO (Crew Medical Officer)'s acuity in applying ACLS (advanced cardio life support) in an emergency. Sergey's proficiency drill today focused on eye treatment, Garrett's on nosebleed treatment. (The HMS (Health Maintenance Systems) hardware, including ACLS equipment, may be used in contingency situations where crew life is at risk. To maintain proficiency, crewmembers spend one hour per month reviewing HMS and ACLS equipment and procedures via the HMS and ACLS CBT (computer-based training). The training drill, each crewmember for him/herself, refreshes their memory of the on-orbit stowage and deployment locations, equipment etc. and procedures.) Continuing the current round of monthly preventive maintenance of RS ventilation systems, Oleg Kononenko cleaned the four 'Group B' fan screens (VT1, VTK1, VV1RO & VV2RO) in the SM. In preparation for the planned MFCV (Manual Flow Control Valve) adjustment activity scheduled on 5/14 (Wednesday), Garrett charged three HRF (Human Research Facility) and Flow Meter batteries. (The MFCVs will be adjusted in the Lab in preparation for the future Regenerative ECLSS (Environment Control & Life Support System). Today's recharging involved two external HRF batteries and one internal battery of the Non-Intrusive Flow Meter instrument.) Volkov conducted the periodic (monthly) functional closure test of the Vozdukh CO2 removal system's spare emergency vacuum valves (AVK), in the spare parts kit. (The AVKs are critical because they close the Vozdukh's vacuum access lines in the event of a malfunction in the regular vacuum valves (BVK) or a depressurization in the Vozdukh valve panel (BOA). Access to vacuum is required to vent CO2 during the regeneration of the absorbent cartridges (PP). During nominal operation, the AVK valves remain open.) The FE-2 completed the routine maintenance of the SOZh/ECLSS system in the Service Module (SM), including ASU toilet facilities systems/replaceables. (Regular daily SOZh maintenance consists of replacement of the KTO & KBO solid waste containers, replacement of an EDV-SV waste water and EDV-U urine container, and processing U.S. condensate water as it becomes available in a filled CWC from the Lab humidifier.) The FE-1 performed the daily IMS (Inventory Management System) maintenance, updating/editing its standard 'delta file' including stowage locations, for the regular weekly automated export/import to its three databases on the ground (Houston, Moscow, Baikonur). In preparation for 1J/A arrival and the docking of the JPM (Japanese Pressurized Module) 'Kibo' with its RMS (Remote Manipulator System), Reisman installed the CBCS (Centerline Berthing Camera System) at the Node-2 Port hatch, powered it up and checked it out. Afterwards, he disconnected the CBCS electronics cables to avoid hatch 'dragthroughs'. (Should there be any changes to the CBCS configuration between now and 1J, another CBCS checkout may be required. JPM will be transferred from the Shuttle cargo bay with the SSRMS (Space Station Remote Manipulator System) on Flight Day 4 of Mission STS-124/1J and berthed at the Node-2 Port CBM (Common Berthing Mechanism) during EVA-1 (of three EVAs) by Ron Garan (EV1) & Mike Fossum (EV2). The JLP will be relocated on Flight Day 7 to its final place atop the JPM, also with the SSRMS.) Reisman also conducted the periodic (every two weeks) inspection of the RED (Resistive Exercise Device) canister bolts for re-tightening if required. The crew conducted their regular 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (CDR, FE-1, FE-2/PFE), TVIS treadmill (CDR, FE-1), and RED (FE-2). Later tonight, the FE-2 will download the crew's exercise data file to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) for downlink, as well as the daily wristband HRM (Heart Rate Monitor) data of the workouts on RED, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium (done six times a week). At ~12:20pm EDT, Garrett supported TV downlink exchanges with students at two US educational institutions,- One Stop Richmond Hill Community Center in Richmond Hill, NY, and Valley Christian Elementary School in Bellflower, CA. ('What is your favorite topic of conversation on the ISS?'; 'What language do you all speak on the ISS?'; Why do you need to know a crewmember's physiological functions during sleep?'; 'What have you learned so far working with the Crew Earth Observations program?'; 'How comfortable is it so sleep in microgravity?') At ~3:10pm, the three crewmembers will convene for their standard bi-weekly teleconference with the JSC Astronaut Office (Steve Lindsey), via S-band S/G-2 audio & phone patch. Water Dump Update: The US condensate water venting planned for 5/18 has been postponed to 5/26, but alternative options are being worked by the partners (such as storing the surplus water in clean ATV tanks). With the Russian SRVK (Condensate Processing Unit) currently off (since 5/6), condensate produced by the US Lab CCAA (Common Cabin Air Assembly) air conditioner cannot be processed as usual, but Russian specialists are confident of success of upcoming SRVK troubleshooting. MT Transfer: For today's MT (Mobile Transporter) translation, Russian thrusters were inhibited at 11:40am (through 5:50pm) due to loads constraints. At ~12:05pm, ground controllers started driving the railcart from WS-4 (Worksite #4) out to WS-6 ( through 2:05pm) using string A IMCAs (Integrated Motor/Controller Assemblies) and then back to WS-4 at 3:05pm (through 5:05pm) on string B IMCAs, in order to confirm power & data redundancy at WS-6 before the 1J/docked mission. Progress 29P Update: RSC-Energia/Moscow reported that the Soyuz launcher with the next Progress cargo ship, M-64/29P, has been moved this morning to the launch pad (launch: 5/14, 4:23pm EDT). L-2 Day activities have started. After reviewing ISS state of readiness, the joint IMMT (ISS Mission Management Team) this morning gave the Go for the docking on 5/16 (5:37pm EDT, two minutes after local sunset). No CEO (Crew Earth Observations) photo targets uplinked for today.
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