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Sunday --- Mission 1E Flight Day 11 (FD11). Dan Tani's 118th day in space (116 aboard ISS). Ahead: Week 18 of Increment 16. Wake/sleep cycle shifted further back to prepare for 2/18 undocking: 1:45am - 4:15pm EST (incl. Eyharts), Shuttle crew: 1:45am - 4:45pm (incl. Tani). CDR Peggy Whitson performed her final INTEGRATED IMMUNE blood collection, assisted by MS1 Leland Melvin, right before hatch closure. FE-2 Dan Tani will continue his saliva collections, both liquid and dry, and blood collections aboard the Atlantis all the way home FE-2-16 Leo Eyharts transferred his and Peggy's saliva return pouches and blood sleeves as well as Dan's saliva collection kit to the Shuttle for return. (Background: IMMUNE assessment, integrated with the Russian IMMUNO, is a 24-hr. test of human immune system changes, with the objective to investigate immune neuro-endocrine reactions in the space environment by studying samples of saliva, blood and urine using collection kits and the biomedical (MBI) protection kit, to develop and validate an immune monitoring strategy consistent with operational flight requirements and constraints. The strategy uses both long and short duration crewmembers as study subjects. The saliva is collected in two forms, dry and liquid. The dry samples are collected at intervals during the collection day using a specialized book that contains filter paper. The liquid saliva collections require that the crewmember soak a piece of cotton inside their mouth and place it in a salivette bag; there are four of the liquid collections during docked operations. The on-orbit blood samples are collected right before undocking and returned on the Shuttle so that analysis can occur with 48 hours of the sampling. This allows assays that quantify the function of different types white blood cells and other active components of the immune system. For cold storage, samples are secured in the MELFI (Minus-Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS). Also included are entries in a fluid/medications intact log, and a stress-test questionnaire to be filled out by the subject at begin and end. Urine is collected during a 24-hour period, conventionally divided into two twelve-hour phases: morning-evening and evening-morning.)
More crewtime was applied to COL (Columbus Orbital Laboratory) rack configuration, activation & operation, led by CDR Peggy Whitson and MS3 Hans Schlegel. Whitson terminated the fine leak check of the COL/Node-2 vestibule (which showed successful hermeticity), then ingressed the new module (~3:55 am) for performing the required COL IATCS (Internal Active Thermal Control System) coolant fluid sampling. (After installation and purging (degassing) the sampling adaptor and FSS (Fluid System Servicer) hose of entrapped air, further steps included configuring the adapter, adjusting the metering valve, collecting the return sample, and tearing down and removing the degassing & sampling equipment.) Hans Schlegel meanwhile continued activation of the EDR (European Drawer Rack) and BLB (BIOLAB). (On EDR, Schlegel activated the laptop, connected & test-activated (later deactivated) the PCDF EU (Protein Crystallization Diagnostic Facility Electronic Unit). On BLB, he set up the laptop, installed stowage items (SI, power & video cables, 4 BGB front filters, plus removal of Kapton tape from rear filters) & commissioning items (CI, EU mounting plate, spotlight) for the BLBGlovebox, then verified functionality of the power switch on front.) Later, Schlegel took documentary 3D photography of the COL interior using a NIKON camera equipped with two lenses for stereoscopic imagery. Afterwards, Peggy worked on installing the K-BAR (Knee-Brace Assembly Replacement) capture mechanisms on COL racks A1 and F2 (which gave Tani and Eyharts some trouble) for relocating of the MSG (Microgravity Science Glovebox) and EXPRESS Rack 3 (ER3) racks. COL activation & commissioning also included the EPM (European Physiology Module) and the FSL (Fluid Science Laboratory), the latter's to be completed by Leo Eyharts. FE-1 Malenchenko took the periodic sensor readings of the Russian 'Pille-MKS' (MKS = ISS) radiation dosimetry experiment which has ten sensors placed at various locations in the Russian segment (port cabin window, starboard cabin window, ASU toilet facility, control panel, etc.). Nine of the ten dosimeters are read manually. Concluding post-EVA clean-up ops, FE-2 Dan Tani terminated the overnight regeneration of METOX (Metal Oxide) canisters in the Airlock (A/L) oven and initiated the process on the next batch. CDR Whitson gathered and stowed the EVA tools used during the 1E spacewalks, finishing up what Rex Walheim couldn't quite complete yesterday. Winding up the three-day checkout of the KUBIK-3 thermally controlled incubator in the Soyuz 15S Orbital Compartment, Yuri copied the accumulated time/temperature data for subsequent downlinking via the BSR-TM payload telemetry channel, then deactivated the thermostat system and closed out ops. Dan Tani had ~4 hrs for changing out and replacing the failed SSPCM (Solid State Power Control Module) in the HRF1 (Human Research Facility Rack 1) in the US Lab, to be checked out later by CDR Whitson. (However, afterwards the rack is exhibiting some anomalous conditions which constrain its re-activation.) Malenchenko performed maintenance and functionality checks on the Russian VELO cycle ergometer (VB-3), focusing on its pedals, crank arm and internal springs, involving disassembly and reassembly of the exercise device. Peggy and Dan reviewed DCB (Double Cold Bag) procedure familiarization material, then packed return samples and transferred the DCB to the Shuttle. CDR Whitson, CDR Frick and PLT Poindexter concluded the O2 (oxygen) transfer from Atlantis to the ISS HPGTs (High-Pressure Gas Tanks) on the exterior of the A/L after ~15 hours of operation, then tore down the transfer and pump-over equipment. Total amount O2 transferred: 85-90 lbs. (This transfer used the remaining operational cycles allowed under Flight Rule for the diaphragm pump of the ORCA (Oxygen Recharge Compressor Assembly) which had been modified by waiver from 280,000 to 373,000 cycles. A replacement ORCA will be delivered to KSC in December this year.) The FE-1 had 2h 15m reserved for transferring cargo & payload equipment from Progress M-63/28P to the ISS, going by an uplinked list of locations and objectives. (For example: The equipment for the Korean experiment to be conducted by the next visiting cosmonaut (VC-14) was to be stowed in the DC1 Docking Compartment since the experiment will be performed there.) Yuri completed the routine maintenance of the SOZh system (Environment Control & Life Support System, ECLSS) in the SM, including ASU toilet facilities systems/replaceables plus the weekly collection of the toilet flush counter (SPK-U) and water supply (SVO) readings for calldown to TsUP/Moscow. Malenchenko also gathered weekly data on total operating time & 'On' durations of the Russian POTOK-150MK (150 micron) air filter unit of the SM's SOGS air revitalization subsystem for reporting to TsUP. The crewmembers completed their regular 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (FE-2/Leo), TVIS treadmill (CDR, FE-2/Leo), RED resistive exercise device (CDR) and VELO bike with bungee cord load trainer (FE-1). Malenchenko later transferred the crew's exercise data file to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) for downlink, as well as the daily wristband HRM data of the workouts on RED, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium (done six times a week). At ~7:10am, Yuri had a PFC (Private Family Conference) via S-band/audio and Ku-band/MS-NetMeeting application (which displays the uplinked ground video on the SSC-9 laptop). The traditional Crew Farewell ceremony took place at 12:20pm EST, followed by air duct removal and hatch closure at ~1:03pm, handled on the ISS side by Peggy Whitson and Yuri Malenchenko. (Afterwards, Frick and Poindexter switched attitude control authority of the mated stack from ISS CMG TA (Control Moment Gyroscope Thruster Assist) mode to Orbiter control.) Atlantis will undock from ISS tomorrow morning at 4:27am after a total docked time of 11d 13h 42m. After a one-orbit flyaround for photo imaging at 400-600 ft, final separation burn of the Shuttle will be performed at 6:10pm. Landing is set for Wednesday, 2/20, nominally at KSC at 9:06am EST. Total mission for STS-122/1E will then have been 12d 18h 21m. Dan Tani's total time in space will be 121 days, with 116 days on board ISS. Transfers Update: Total water transferred from Atlantis: ~1386 lbs. Total nitrogen (N2) transferred: ~37 lbs. Total oxygen (O2) transferred: ~90 lbs. Progress 27P Deorbit: Two days ago, on 2/15, Progress M-62/27P performed its deorbit burn and reentered the atmosphere for burn-up and splash down in the Pacific. (Progress 27P undocked from the ISS DC1 on 2/4 at 5:32am EST but remained in orbit in free flight until 2/15, continuing to phase out in front of the ISS (about 40 km per orbit) in order to support Russian Earth observation experiments.) Good-Bye Sally Davis: This was Flight Director Sally Davis' final shift ('Cassini Flight') after more than 400 shifts on the ISS flight control team (FCT). Thank you, Sally - and stick around! After Shuttle departure, the ISS crew will - Deactivate the IWIS (Internal Wireless Instrumentation System) equipment,
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