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All ISS systems continue to function nominally, except those noted previously or below. aturday = Docking Day. Happy Birthday, Peggy Whitson! STS-122/Atlantis docked smoothly at the PMA-2 (Pressurized Mating Adapter-2) port at 12:17pm EST, eight minutes ahead of time, after successfully completing the RPM (R-Bar Pitch Maneuver) at 11:32am. The station now hosts ten occupants again as Mission 1E is underway. (The combined crew is comprised of ISS CDR Peggy Whitson, FE-1 Yuri Malenchenko, FE-2 Dan Tani, STS CDR Steve Frick, PLT Alan Poindexter, MS1 Leland Melvin, MS2 Rex Walheim, MS3 Hans Schlegel, MS4 Stanley Love, and MS5 LĂ(c)opold Eyharts who replaces Dan Tani as FE-2, while the latter returns on the Atlantis as MS-5.)
Hook closure to rigidize the Shuttle-ISS linkup was at 12:43pm. After the docking, the station was reoriented as planned to minimize the risk of micrometeoroid/debris impacts upon the Shuttle (-x-axis in velocity vector, +z-axis in local vertical). Hatches were open at 1:40pm, and the new crew was welcomed aboard the ISS and given the mandatory 25-min. safety briefing. Later, EVA/EMU equipment was transferred from the Shuttle to the ISS Airlock (A/L) as the SRMS (Shuttle Remote Manipulator System) handed over the grappled OBSS (Orbiter Boom Sensor System) to the ISS SSRMS (Space Station RMS) which then was 'parked' overnight, whereas the SRMS maneuvered to Columbus Module (COL) viewing position. In a last-moment timeline modification, EVA-1, originally scheduled for tomorrow and preceded by the regular Campout tonight, was postponed by one day and will now be conducted on Monday, 2/11, by Rex Walheim and Stan Love, who replaces Hans Schlegel. Ground teams are currently replanning FD4 (Flight Day 4) according to the mission priorities, and the Shuttle has initiated measures to protect cryo prop margin so that additional docked days can be added to the mission. Due to the EVA-1 delay, the crew was able to complete several get-aheads from tomorrow 's plan, these included: the Node-2/PMA-2 axial VBA (Vestibule Barrier Assembly) installation and Leo Eyharts ' IELK (Individual Equipment Liner Kit) installation in Soyuz 15S. Eyharts ' Sokol suit checkout is still scheduled for tomorrow. Dan Tani 's IELK was uninstalled and was temporary stowed for return on a future flight. Wakeup time for the ISS crew had shifted once more this morning, to 4:45am EST, for a long day (sleep time tonight: 8:45pm). Preparatory to the Shuttle arrival, FE-2 Tani closed the Lab science window shutter as protection against thruster plumes. (The window shutter must remain closed when Shuttle is within 3000 ft/915m of the ISS. It may be opened for no more than 15 minutes for photo documentation if the Shuttle is in Freedrift.) After wakeup and before breakfast, FE-2 Dan Tani completed his daily access of the SLEEP experiment (Sleep-Wake Actigraphy & Light Exposure during Spaceflight) software for data logging and filling in questionnaire entries in the experiment 's laptop session file on the HRF-1 laptop for downlink. (To monitor the crewmember 's sleep/wake patterns and light exposure, Dan wears a special Actiwatch device which measures the light levels encountered by him as well as his patterns of sleep and activity throughout the Expedition. The log entries are done within 15 minutes of final awakening for seven consecutive days, as part of the crew 's discretionary 'job jar' task list.) For her second session with the ESA/Russian biomed experiment 'IMMUNO', Peggy Whitson set up the IMMUNO urine collection hardware and took air samples with the IPD-NH3 Draeger tubes sampler, testing for ammonia (NH3) in the SM, then started the experiment. (IMMUNO (Integrated Immune Assessment) is a 24-hr. test of human immune system changes, with the objective to investigate immune neuro-endocrine reactions in the space environment by studying samples of saliva, blood and urine using collection kits and the biomedical (MBI) protection kit, to develop and validate an immune monitoring strategy consistent with operational flight requirements and constraints. The strategy uses both long and short duration crewmembers as study subjects.. The saliva is collected in two forms, dry and liquid. The dry samples are collected at intervals during the collection day using a specialized book that contains filter paper. The liquid saliva collections require that the crewmember soak a piece of cotton inside their mouth and place it in a salivette bag; there are four of the liquid collections during docked operations. The on-orbit blood samples are collected right before undocking and returned on the Shuttle so that analysis can occur with 48 hours of the sampling. This allows assays that quantify the function of different types white blood cells and other active components of the immune system. Samples are secured in the MELFI (Minus-Eighty Laboratory Freezer for ISS). Also included are entries in a fluid/medications intact log, and a stress-test questionnaire to be filled out by the subject at begin and end. Urine is collected during a 24-hour period, conventionally divided into two twelve-hour phases: morning-evening and evening-morning.) Before the docking, CDR Whitson worked on the Node-2 O2 (oxygen) supply line, purging it with N2 (nitrogen) and configuring it to allow Shuttle to supply O2 to the ISS PBAs (Portable Breathing Apparatus) in support of pre-EVA mask prebreathe for denitrogenation. Also before the actual docking, FE-1 Malenchenko performed final STTS communications configuration checks for the docking. After the docking, Yuri switched USOS/RS (US Segment/Russian Segment) comm systems to their mated-flight mode. Shortly before the docking, the crew configured the Russian MCS (Motion Control System) for the automatic 'PMA-2 Arrival' mode, an operational sequence used to monitor Orbiter arrival at the PMA-2. (At 'Capture Confirmed', ISS attitude was immediately set to 'free drift' to allow dampening out relative motions of ISS and Discovery (with the ODS dampers/shock absorbers), then maneuvered to 'Mated TEA' (Torque Equilibrium Attitude) to account for the new overall configuration with Discovery docked.) Docking took place at 12:17pm. After leak checks of the ODS (Orbiter Docking System) vestibule for about an hour, hatches were opened at 1:40pm, with the traditional ship 's bell ringing. Hand shakes and hugs between the crews came 15 minutes later. Before and during ISS/STS hatch opening, Yuri Malenchenko performed the standard collection of air samples with the Russian AK-1M sampler in the SM, FGB, Lab, and then also in the Orbiter. Prior to the start of docked mission activities, CDR Whitson took care of the transfer of joint mission books from the Shuttle over to ISS. (The new books, contained in a Ziploc bag and CTB (Crew Transfer Bag), include the SODF (Station Operations Data Files) procedures for the docked mission and emergency situations.) The FE-1 took air samples for the periodic (currently daily) atmospheric status check for ppO2 (Partial Pressure Oxygen), using the hand-held CSA-O2 (Compound Specific Analyzer-Oxygen) sensors that were readjusted on 1/22. Batteries were to be replaced if necessary. (CSA-O2s #1041 & #1052 were to be activated (if not already on) for taking readings in the Lab. Afterwards, both units were to be turned off and returned to their stowage. Purpose of the ~25-min activity is to trend with MCA (Major Constituents Analyzer), i.e., to correlate the hand-held readings with MCA measurements, prior to US EVA-14 scheduled for next Wednesday. Daily CSA- O2 readings will be compared to the MCA to ensure the hardware is operating to a known calibrated device. Two CSA- O2s are required to support the Airlock campout for the upcoming 1E EVA-1.) CDR Whitson and Shuttle PLT Poindexter filled CWCs (Contingency Water Containers) and transferred them to the ISS. Whitson and Poindexter also configured the BPSMU (Battery Powered Speaker Microphone Unit) by installing the ISS- and Shuttle-side string of cables with a dragthrough QD (quick disconnect). The FE-1 worked on the Elektron O2 generator system, installing a new Progress-delivered electronic interference filter, designed to prevent RFI (radio-frequency interference) with the ATV/Automated Transfer Vehicle. (On 12/21/07, when Yuri assisted the ground in activation the Elektron in the standard 32 amp mode, the system came on in 11 amps mode. A recently (11/27) installed electronic interference filter (FPP) felt hot to Yuri 's touch, who, on ground advice, turned off the Elektron, removed the filter and reconnected the cables. The electrolysis machine was successfully reactivated in 32 amp mode and was then operating nominally at 24 amps.) The crewmembers completed their regular 2.5-hr. physical workout program (about half of which is used for setup & post-exercise personal hygiene) on the CEVIS cycle ergometer (CDR, FE-2), TVIS treadmill (FE-1), RED resistive exercise device (CDR, FE-2), and VELO bike with bungee cord load trainer (FE-1). Yuri transferred the crew 's exercise data file to the MEC (Medical Equipment Computer) for downlink, as well as the daily wristband HRM data of the workouts on RED, followed by their erasure on the HRM storage medium (done six times a week). Working from his discretionary 'time permitting' task list, the FE-1 also performed the periodic collection & deletion of readings on the MOSFET (metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor) radiation sensor reader/display of the RBO-3-2 Matryoshka-R antroph-amorphous (human torso) "phantoms" located inside the station for sophisticated radiation studies, collecting radiation measurements every 15 minutes around the clock. Weekly Science Update (Expedition Sixteen -- Week 16) ALTCRISS (Alteino Long Term monitoring of Cosmic Rays on the ISS): Radiation measurements continue to be performed in the PIRS module.. ANITA: Completed. BCAT-3 (Binary Colloidal Alloy Test 3): Dan Tani ran Sample 5 for BCAT-3 using a custom set up of his own design. 'We got some really good data with this and we 're seeing structure in Sample 5, which we didn 't know was possible. Very nice. Thank you. The BCAT-3 samples have now been stowed and we are looking forward to getting the DVDs of the data. And thanks for the pictures of the BCAT-3 set up showing Dan working with it. This really helps us when we share with the world why we 're excited about this work'. BCAT-4 will be coming up on 1JA. CARDIOCOG-2: Completed. CCISS (Cardiovascular & Cerebrovascular Control on Return from ISS): 'Dan, currently you are scheduled to repeat the last CCISS session the day after 1E 's launch, on Feb 8,9,10. We look forward to seeing the CCISS data. Thanks for participating!' CFE (Capillary Flow Experiment): Reserve. CSI-2/CGBA (CGBA Science Insert #2/Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus): In progress. CGBA-2 (Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus 2): Complete. CSLM-2 (Coarsening in Solid-Liquid Mixtures 2): In progress. EarthKAM (Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School Students): Complete. ELITE-S2 (Elaboratore Immagini Televisive - Space 2): Planned. EPO (Educational Payload Operations): Reserve. ETD (Eye Tracking Device): In progress. IMMUNO (Neuroendocrine & Immune Responses in Humans During & After Long Term Stay at ISS): Blood and urine samples of first session for Malenchenko are stored in MELFI. InSPACE-2 (Investigating the Structure of Paramagnetic Aggregates from Colloidal Emulsions 2): Peggy completed three runs starting the extra, extra science; runs 25, 26 and 27 for those keeping score at home. 'While the runs may seem old hat as Peggy can almost perform them from the bike, they are providing new and useful data each time. The PI is anxious to receive the flight tapes to begin detailed analysis, and looking forward to the crew conference. InSPACE-2 remains grateful to Peggy for sharing her time with us'. Integrated Immune: In progress. KUBIK-FM1/ KUBIK-FM2 Centrifuge/Incubators: Completed. LOCAD-PTS (Lab-on-a-Chip Application Development-Portable Test System): 'Thanks for operating LOCAD on Sunday, 2/3. Again, you chose some great sites and provided a quick general survey of endotoxin in the airlock. As expected, it was mostly free of endotoxin, apart from the hatch handle, which perhaps receives frequent handling. The results are a first step toward developing methods to monitor and restrict biological contamination associated with surface EVA during exploration missions. Thanks for all your hard work with LOCAD!' MISSE (Materials ISS Experiment): Ongoing. MTR-2 (Russian radiation measurements): Passive dosimeters measurements in DC1 'Pirs'. MULTIGEN-1: MULTIGEN-1 samples will be downloaded on STS-122 (1E). MSG-SAME (Microgravity Science Glovebox): Complete. NOA-2 (Nitric Oxide Analyzer): Planned. NUTRITION/REPOSITORY: 'Peggy, thanks for your continued attention to detail in completing the FD120 Nutr/Rep session. The information conveyed via crew notes proves to be very helpful for planning purposes. Only one session remains (FD180). Dan, thank you for your continued attention to detail in completing your FD120 Repository session. We appreciate your participation!'. PMDIS (Perceptual Motor Deficits in Space): Complete. SAMS/MAMS (Space & Microgravity Acceleration Measurement Systems): Ongoing. SLEEP (Sleep-Wake Actigraphy & Light Exposure during Spaceflight): 'Peggy, you continue to be an excellent SLEEP subject and the PI appreciates all your extra logging. Dan, thanks for any SLEEP Logging.' SPHERES (Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellite): In progress. Swab (Characterization of Microorganisms & Allergens in Spacecraft): In progress. TRAC (Test of Reaction & Adaptation Capabilities): Planned. ULTRASOUND: In progress. CEO (Crew Earth Observation): Ongoing. No CEO photo targets uplinked for today.
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